[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

We do.


No no, I mean… Something with the height of a tower…
Like a Robot in the size of Raganros…
Wow version of Unicron maybe xD

One of the Mechagon bosses seems to be just that. A robot using the Kologarn/Kromog/Krosus/Garothi
Worldbreaker skeleton.

Holy guacamoley, that’s glorious. Pendragons will certainly be spending some time in that alternate timeline to study the tech there.

(Good thing Pendragons is undeath :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Also, this is confirmation that the gnomes can build a reorigination-esque device, unlike those filthy goblins.

It would seem that no matter the timeline or the circumstances, gnomes are champions at one thing:

Genociding their own race :stuck_out_tongue:


They are doing the world a favour


Ahem, troggs made a genocide on them in the time of third war, and wiped around 80% of their race…

Are we sure of this? Sounds an awful lot like a convenient Gnomish cover up story to hide the fact that the Gnomes are genociding their own race…


Wasn’t that the gas intended for the troggs, though?


It was, Kump is just being a silly Chump. :<

Yes it is true… Thats why they weren’t present in the third war
Also alliance being involved in third war, they didn’t ask for help

Which Gas?


The radiation that turned those gnomes who did not die into leper gnomes, I mean, unless chronicles retconned it, the stuff was used on Mekkatorque’s orders ( with the necessary coercion by Thermaplugg). And that was what apparently exterminated 80% of the gnome race instead of troggs.

It was a mix off, they tried to use the radioactive waste to stop the Troggs, instead it weakened themselves and the troggs just walked through it and became even more dangerous.

Oh, well, that i wasn’t sure of… You have a point :slight_smile:
Although Thermaplugg betrays and joins the Troggs… Maybe it was a planned thing or so?

https ://wow.gamepedia.com/Sicco_Thermaplugg

Well according to this it does seem as though he might’ve actually orchestrated the entire thing himself. Also notice how the page says ‘Continues to try killing him’ at the last section. The whole thing with Mechagon would be perfect to have him show up again.

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Fair :ok_hand: :slight_smile:

Heard he is involved in heritage armor quest

Ofcourse he is, all three times the gnomes actually “retook” Gnomeregan have been retconned into Thermaplugg surviving and still in control of Gnomeregan.

Can’t have the gnomes be serious without putting in Thermaplugg as an enemy, now can we? Who else would we laugh at if the gnomes had some actual progression instead of bieng the funny little guys that do funny zany tech stuff?


mY yOu aRe a tAlL oNe


Spanners XD

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New PTR build and almost immediately I see a new controversy: You know those reskinned Gryphons? They raised the price from 50k to 90k. People were already complaining about them being too high for reskins, now I imagine the backlash is going to intensify.