Can smell blood, on a sheathed weapon, at the front door, while the Orc himself is on the top floor or smth.
Can see perfectly well in the dark.
Can outrun, outfight, and outeverything everyone else.
Can outbreed every race, even goblins and humans.
I get that, but orcs have better senses then any other races, even the races they descend from? Even races that where evolved to live during the night? Even races that are as short lived?
Regarding again the interview about the Night Elves.
By Keydiam on Wowhead
This interview just confirms that Blizzard is trying to backpedal from the whole ‘Burning of Teldrassil’ event because they now have realized that they have (please excuse my choice of words here) completely fu**** up. Seemingly no one on their team expected such a huge backlash about the burning of a few thousand innocent civilians.
Right here, perfectly sums up what everyone thought of the Burning of Teldrassil. Cheap bloody shock value which in the long run proved to be a terrible decision. You cannot go back from such an action because it’s racial genocide or a massive loss of lives that can hardly be disregarded, especially when APPARENTLY all of the expansions apart from Cata have only a year gap… A year effing gap! will never get a people to be at peace with losing so much of their own.
Blizzard trying to downplay such a big event is incredibly telling how little they think of our intelligence and spitting on the quality writing the authors of a “Good War” went through to make this event poignant. We didn’t even get an opportunity to be listened unlike in the 8.1 PTR where changes were made but here… They get the Neptulon treatement… Sweap it under the rug.
It’s one thing to do whackey stuff in quests, quests will always be quests with little exposure depending… It’s another to downplay a terrible event which they bothered to make a CGI animation and had seemed to be a big deal to Saurfang.
And for it to be dismissed so casually in an interview, NOT EVEN INGAME, is frankly… Fel, I can’t even find the word…
Watching something you enjoy just getting screwed over by people who are supposed to be professionals when your average joe can write better!
Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t those soldiers at least?
And as Ranying puts it, we do a lot of quests where we kill a few dozen of one kind of mob in a vehicle. It’s another to basically delete 80% of a race’s population (Per the short stories) in one swing and dedicate so much time and effort into making it this serious, heavy event. Then rapidly back pedal on it.
Did it recently on a human I was leveling up, and I couldn’t see a single uniform, single piece of armour, or a single weapon. They were all panicking researchers.
I may have misremembered then, but I distinctly remember the quests leading up to it were about Dark Irons actively fighting very armed and very dangerous goblins. An earlier quest (According to WoWhead anyway) even says that the goblins were actively attacking the outpost. So a bit odd if the quest itself has no armed goblins in sight.
But I digress, it’s on a large pile of quests as either faction where you get put in a vehicle and told to murder 100s of NPCs. Sometimes soldiers, sometimes animals, sometimes non-combatants. Which, yeah, if you think about it that’s pretty messed up no matter how you slice it. But it’s usually played off within the space of a few minutes then is never mentioned again or even played off for laughs. No weight is given to these quests at all. Hell the goblin one is a repeatable world quest.
By comparison, the burning is Sylvanas highlighting 80% of the NElf population and pressing backspace. And unlike those quests there’s a massive turmoil over it, so large it had massive amounts of animation, music, design and more all poured into this single event being portrayed as the most horrific thing ever. The events of 8.1/8.1.5 even base heavily in the aftermath.
Then… they just drop it like a hot potato. That sucks. That really sucks, their weirdness about making content obselete as quickly as possible is crippling their story telling. Or well, crippling it even more than it already is. That and if they spend five minutes on someone not Anduin/Saurfang/Sylvanas they start feeling blood clots in their brain or something and desperately have to go back to them as soon as humanly possible.