[SPOILERS] 9.1 Korthia - Everliving Statuette

New ominous whispers from a looted quest item in Korthia.


Everliving Statuette: Hidden from daylight, a sleeping flame rests atop the sixth tree.
Everliving Statuette: Hope. Betrayal. Sacrifice. Faces change. The tale does not.
Everliving Statuette: So many secrets, so little time left to share them.
Everliving Statuette: A city of secrets. A history of lies.
Everliving Statuette: How many voices do you heed? How many are real?
Everliving Statuette: The seventh covets what the six hold fast. The fulcrum wavers. All will be undone.

Wowhead link as reference: https://www.wowhead.com/news/whispers-of-the-everliving-statuette-chains-of-domination-ominous-dialogue-322841

Although, the Korthian attendant seems to dismiss them as lies (just like Magni and illnyoth)

Any takes on what this could mean?

Could this be something Void/Old God affiliated or something else entirely?

The statue does seem very similar in appearance to the ones dotted around Revendreth and, eerily similar to the ones that flank the Dark Portal and Altar of Storms as the linked article suggests.


Ok, so:

  1. Nordrassil
  2. Teldrassil
  3. Andrassil
  4. Shaladrassil
  5. Tree in Emerald Dream

So, Night Elves plan to have a new capital city. I guess Blizzard decided to repeat the story. The sixth tree will also burn down

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could also be about the 6 Saplings Staghelm planted.
They grew into the 5 grat trees (Ashenvale, Feralas, Hinterlands, Crystalsong Forest and Duskwood) as well as Andrassil/Vordrassil located in the Grizzlyhills.
So the broken Worldtree that grew corrupted due to the Saronite beneath it may have some hidden Surprise in the future.

This would even work without mental gymnastics and a martyr-complex.

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 did this become another night elf complaint and tree burning thread

There’s nothing even about the Night Elves, or their World Trees in the subject. It just has the word ‘Tree’.

Will answer this point though.

It is speculation, but the article also makes that distinction. Bit strange, and it might just be an idea. However, I can’t think of a link that would make sense if put together. As I understand, the statues in Outland and the Dark Portal were designed that way because it was meant to be from some kinda dream source.

Take this with a grain of salt, though. Apart from that, i’m lost.

Those statues - and this one - looks really cool though. Wonder what their real origins are.


I don’t want to go around raining on anyone’s parade, but i do feel that Blizzard is stretching this whole “foreboding whispers” narrative resource.

It was fine to have it organically sprout with some agents (Ogmot, Ilgynoth,
), but now it seems as if they want to shoehorn it in every expansion because they’ve noted that its one of the two topics that get people talking. As if they’ve already given up on having people engaged in what’s actually happening, and need to lean on speculation alone to keep them interested.


Yep, these similarities as well as the similarities between the Mirror Portal Magic and the Dark Portal led to me theorizing that the Dark Portal is basically a Large Scale Revendreth Mirror.
Even their power Source is similar Fel > Energy from living souls taken by Force, Anima > Energy from dead souls.

Maybe the Nathrezim tought the Legion some of their Magic and adapted it to another Powersource.

I disagree on this. I think prophecies that might or might not be true are actually a fine way to keep us engaged, ideally suited to a story that only gives us one chapter every few months.

I just feel that the story they are foretelling is just not interesting enough to draw the investment they want. When I look at new whispers I just see “another bit of cosmic doo-doo” or “Sylvanas/Anduin again
” and mentally switch off. The focus of the prophecies is either too broad or too narrow, seldom it is in my area of interest.

I’d be very interested about prophecies about the inhabitants of Azeroth and the fate of nations. I would be interested in echoes of Azeroth’s histories foreshadowing the future. I would be interested in azerothian spirits, giving us vague warnings about what they expect for the future. And all of this can come straight out of the writers’ room brainstorming, when they haven’t yet decided on which way to go in the end.
But I can’t be bothered if all I see is “six powers” crap, and character drama I don’t care for.


There are ways to hint at a wide range of outcomes of future developments without repeatedly having to resort to some plot device or object, that spells it out for the audience.

You can have good ways to hint at future stories by simply letting the narrative unfold. That makes speculation richer, and even helps feed the value of a potential plot twist any writer may have in store.

The only reason i see for the repeated use of a talking rock that spells out nonsense unrelated to the current events that coincidentally and “surprisingly” often has to do with future plots that may have zero connection to the entity saying such, is because writers can’t (or do not bother to) think of a way to link the brain farts they want to pass out as a storyline.

Sure you can. And you can do it the way they are doing. And it could work for me, if the story they were trying to foreshadow was something I cared for. It did in the past.

To me the only thing that piqued interest is the name - Everliving Statuette. If it is “everliving” that could have interesting implications for the places like Duskwood, and, given the similarity of symbols on Altars of Storms - for the “seal of Lordaeron” in the throne room / Halls of Reflections.


I expect the player speculations to be more interesting than what we get in the game.

gl hf

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  1. Really nice Eredar Mog! :wink:

Thats pretty much a safe bet, just look at the speculation about the burning of Teldrassil (everything from Fanatic Alliance Warmongers did it to force Anduin, to Naga did it to spark an all out Horde Alliance War to weaken resistance before their invasion)


I won’t call myself an expert on narrative building (although i question whether those in charge of the one ingame, are). But i’m fairly certain that repeatedly using certain plot devices, showcases an overall creativity lacking.

Loosely tying unconnected events with stuff like this, may have some merit if used punctually in lieu of actual developments that drive the audience into speculation.

But turning it into a recurrent theme, highlights other things. Chief amongst them, writer laziness.

This whole “prophetical” beings/objects trope, is turning out to be like having a voice over narrator in the background.
Someone that goes after each expansion like: “Upcoming next, our heroes will face a Robot invasion. Stay tuned for the next saturday episode, folks!”.

A good narrative shouldn’t hinge on having the writer throwing information in such meta fashion. Or at least not in such a recurrent way.

Creativity is an overrated factor. It’s mass entertainment, not high art. It doesn’t have to have much creativity. It just needs to do simple things well enough.

It doesn’t, though. That’s just what keeps the speculation going. Cut out the prophecies and, sadly, the story remains the same. Just with a few less cryptic lines.

And no, those lines aren’t a preview. They are potential previews.

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Everliving Statuette: The seventh covets what the six hold fast. The fulcrum wavers. All will be undone.

I have a feeling this ties into the cosmology chart and a 7th power yet to be confirmed.

Just to clarify, I don’t think this is referring the Void/Void Lords but, something other.
The Void would be counted as one of the six (Light, Fel, Death, Void, Order and, Life) with the fulcrum being the geometry/cosmology that binds them in balance with one another.

Chronorabbit has a post on some 9.1 PTR in-game texts from the US forums on this.
It’s a recount of a Broker’s expedition to find the Sepulchre of the First Ones.

I have a feeling it’s a “teaser” of the upcoming “from the broker PoV” book. It might re-use a bunch of plot lines / idea we already saw in the game.

gl hf

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