[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Damn, the new saurok model looks cool.

Iā€™m so pretty!


I love everything about the new model and the animations. Amazing!

Just keep posting that and things like it, but completely unironically, for about 15 years.
Then you will become a true Night Elf Enjoyer.

New Worgen models look nice. Not sure if Iā€™m any more tempted to roll one than I used to be, but seeing people so happy about it is great.


Goblins look good too.

This patch is shaping up to be hotter than a Night Elf fire mage at a Sylvanas fan club meeting.

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Cant wait for Forsaken to get their true leader and finally embrace the Light :pray: :latin_cross:


ā€œYou will believe undead hearts can still beat.ā€


If the hearthstone tavern (from the Hearth and Home cinematic) is being added to WoW, we need to acknowledge Dalaran as being stolen in lore. Here me out:

In the Whispers of the Old Gods trailer, Madame Lazul is in a backroom of the tavern, therefore by association making her canon to WoW. That must mean the rest of the league of E.V.I.L is also canon and therefore the Dalaran heist. We all need to acknowledge Dalaran as being in Uldum now, and itā€™s BadRP to say otherwise.

(Massive /s, in case itā€™s necessary.)

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Corrected it.

That looks super cozy.

More like ā€œI canā€™t wait for Forsaken to lose this one chance to escape from the reign of Sylvanas and no longer be one-dimensional minions of the Banshee Queen, so that they can be transformed into the one-dimensional minions of some Light-blessed usurper who knows nothing of the suffering of true undeath instead.ā€

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brb racechanging my belf pala to forsaken so i could be first lore-accurate forsaken paladin, defending my new queen

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Are your posts custom-made to trigger me?

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No, no. Observe. I thought you wanted to sound like a Night Elf poster?

Urgh, this is yet ANOTHER example of the Undead being used as Blizzardā€™s punching bags. Itā€™s bad enough that weā€™ve gotten screwed over EVERY SINGLE EXPANSION since WARCRAFT 2, but now we get some garbage new model like this. They looked so much better with the original look, back in Warcraft 3, the absolute holy grail of all Undead content ever, regardless of how poorly parts of the original fantasy have aged.
I hate this game. Iā€™ll resub when Blizzard stops screwing the undead, my favourite race, over.


Also, is it me or did female Worgen get a bunch of new faces added? I donā€™t recall them having 15 separate options whereas the males have only fiveā€¦

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I wasnā€™t super sold on Caliaā€™s almost marble like appearance, but Iā€™m warming up to it. Frankensteinā€™s monster was originally a carefully sculpted thing of beauty, with only the eyes remaining the unsettling contrast. One could imagine the artists went for something similar here.

Calia wearing a count dracula outfit with some horrible flat platoons.

I can accept a Lightforged Undead race for the Alliance. I wonā€™t be happy about it, but I can accept it.

But she will not become the new faction leader for the Forsaken. If she does, I will absolutely not play any undead character with that thing as a leader ever again.

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Anduin needs a protĆ©gĆ©, mby a waifu as well. Please stop spoiling Goldenā€™s fun

In Light we are one :pray: :angel: