[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Well it was kinda the same for LTT’s new model in 8.1 and Tyrande’s model as well, if we think about it.

I find, with new elf models for lore characters, we have to see them in-game.

Yes, oke I get that, but now she’s suddenly “so caring” towards her undead countrymen, while apparently before she couldn’t give two rats asses about them and ignored their existence.

But now she cares sooooo much, she’s totally going to take on the burden of leading them towards redemption :thinking:

Go away, Child! >:c

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same goes for the frostwolf’s armor

The thing I dislike about Wrathion’s new model is that dumb smirk most blood elf faces have.

The backwards hunch doesn’t help, either.

If there’s one expression Wrathion should have, it’s a smirk.


Me when I wait for the new model of Boush to load


Me when I actually see the face & animations


Me when I see the FEET HAVE TOES



Fixed that for ya!

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Lightspawned undead would be marginally less terrible if they would bother to explain it at all rather than running over the established undead lore of “soul imperfectly joined with corpse via shadow magic” using a thresher while it’s holding its crying babies.

Now we just get hot corpse bride Calia.

“Soul imperfectly joined with corpse via Light magic”



At this stage I’m only hoping we get a full edgelord third faction led by Sylvanas instead of merging the others together into this amalgamation where everyone suffers from amnesia and suddenly get along simply because the spotlight NPCs have a change of heart

I wouldn’t even care if as a result the Forsaken end up in the edgelord faction and are replaced by LF Undead in the Honourable Soylent Coalition

So basically, you tried to cast Resurrection but sneezed at the last syllable of the spell…

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Also yeah Calia is now thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, except in Calia’s case it was deliberately done by the actions of a naaru.

Because naaru are evil.

The Naaru sneezed.

Except she’s a walking corpse with a sickening grey skin.

So hard pass from me.

I’d smash.

Yeah, but you’re a sicko :crazy_face:

That’s not what your mom said last night.