It could’ve been Jaina who took Varians place and you’d still complain.
She was always hotheaded, even back in Warcraft 3, and that’s why she’s useless and not fit to be a damn leader to begin with. Let Shandris lead, she at least has a brain inside her skull.
If it was Jaina I’d still be livid because it’d present a similar issue, her character being made to look utterly moronic just so Varian with his ‘Baby guide to not dying in war’ tactics look genius and wise by comparison. It’s a terrible writing trap that you’ll see in a lot of books and movies, the writer doesn’t know how to make a character seem smart, so they make everyone else temporarily dumber so the bare minimum braincell count suddenly looks genius.
If they used a generic human captain instead I wouldn’t bat an eye, maybe it was an inexperienced guy who just got promoted and the King bestows some wisdom nuggets. Neat, sure. But taking Tyrande and making her even dumber than usual (Which is an achievement, frankly) was the worst choice they could have made.
Always hotheaded, sure. Impulsive, sure. But from Cata until recently she had a complete mental collapse if not within a 40 yard range of a man. There’s being impulsive then being a complete suicidal moron until a strong white man literally 1/400th your age rolls up and tells you how to not be suicidal. I fully agree that her writing is and has always been pretty iffy, but around MoP it was was by far the most significant lowpoint for her entire character.
I mean for crying out loud, in the Illidan novel she refers to Malfurion as ‘Mal’. I had to close the book for a minute there because I couldn’t stop laughing, it just reminded me of Married with Kids, the sitcom I mean. It didn’t help that at the time Tyrande still had high heels and a beehive hairdo from the 80s going on. At least they had the sense to change her model to something far better suiting a warrior-priestess, rather than a prom queen.
I fully agree that Tyrande is shoddy as a character, but frankly so is every character the moment you start examining things in more depth than the writers ever do. My peeve is that there was a period where Tyrande was not only even dumber but also completely lost her independence and ability to function. Clinging onto the coat tails of either Malfurion or Varian to give her any purpose or sense of direction. She went from “Screw you I do what I want” to “Yes sir, no sir, whatever you want sir”. Things didn’t improve (Marginally) until Legion where she made the call to stop Ysera rather than rescue Malfurion.
Tyrande has never been written well, but my point is there was a period where her writing was absolutely abysmal to the point of her character being unrecognisable from WC3. What we have now is still far from perfect but it at least resembles the WC3 Tyrande (For good or ill) rather than the housewife we had in Cata/MoP.
Yea, yea… Tyrande is such a bad character how is she even allowed to exist when we have perfectly good written characters in the forms of Jaina, Anduin, Genn, Sylvanas, Biane, Saurfang, Thrall, etc etc.
I mean yea, Tyrande is the character thats a problem to the story and not any other character or Blizzards “writing” skills…
At least Tyrande has some kind of personality even if it’s an inconsistent mess. Shandris is so dull and bland you might as well have no leader at all, just an inoffensive cardboard cutout like the blood elves or tauren.
That said, I feel like anyone with a shred of respect for consistency and common sense would go demon hunter on their eyes would they see what state the story is in now.