You’ll be welcome in my Caravan guild. Just don’t crash the caravans into a ditch.
No Durotar warfront for you, Argent Dawn! You didn’t deserve it!
Good, I live in a Hole in Durotar, I don’t want Alliance on my Land!
For the love of the Titans, can someone find me that quote about the Eldre’thalas library and what it said about their research into the void?
There was a speculation post about Wrathion yesterday that included that part of his diary. Look on WoWhead.
I know! But I can’t find the SHen’dralar part on it!
"As I suspected, little of what the Shen’dralar collected in their archives survived their flight from Eldre’thalas. Still, there was some knowledge to be gleaned from the tomes they were forced to leave behind as they escaped the Horde’s aggression.
References to the Old Gods are vague and oblique, existing only as archaeological footnotes from a time before the Sundering. The Shen’dralar, adept in the arcane arts as they were, could not completely unravel the intricacies of the Black Empire’s dark magic.
Yet a few of them did dabble in the Void, and the lessons they learned grant me hope that N’Zoth’s own power can be wielded against him.
Even in its abandoned state, the library’s meticulous organization truly impressed me. If only more of it had remained intact. Such an extensive loss of wisdom is lamentable. The Shen’dralar toiled ceaselessly to collect the librams that lined their bookshelves, only for the lion’s share of it to be consumed by the flames of war.
But such is the nature of warfare, is it not? Seldom does it accomplish the intentions of its architects, and never without leaving immeasurable devastation in its wake… especially when the Horde and the Alliance are the forces in conflict. Can one ultimately say that victory is worth the price that must be paid to achieve it?
Perhaps it is, in some cases. But the verdict is not as easily reached as I once thought."
I love you
Yo where is the dialogue about what’s going on with the Horde. You drop a big bombshell on us with Baine escaping and buddying up with the Alliance but don’t want to give us a glimpse of what is happening in the wake of that?
I get that the big stuff will happen probably in 8.3 but how about some indication of what is going on with the Horde. Even if it’s just some flavour text from Baine in Thunderbluff or Sylvanas talking on the traitors w/e
Blizzard just didn’t remake the cinematic of Sylvannas becoming Xel’naga in the upcoming battle with the void lords. But just you wait
Please stop that. Please. I beg of you.
Just as Metzen intended
Good, it gets boring having a raid and a warfront in the same place.
Lets make either Thunderbluff or Silvermoon an Warfront!
All we know so far is that the Orgrimmar Cemetery plays a role in the 8.2.5 war campaign chapter.
Sylvanas raising the death True Horde soldiers and death Horde soldiers of old (including Grommash Hellscream) to serve her.
Morally grey, everyone. Truly, such wonderous storytelling!
I’m calling it now, she’s going to raise Zappy Boi’s Dad and we are going to have to fight him.
Or she raises Vol’Jin and it backfires
Can you raise something from ashes? Just an animated dust cloud.
Remember, everyone was like “Yeah, you are way too powerful to have been raised by us” So if they go down that route, I’d bet that his power overwhelmes her and harms her in some way.

Can you raise something from ashes? Just an animated dust cloud.
Well they raised Nazgrim. Orcs do funeral pyres, and they just called Nazgrim’s spirit out and it materialized into a death knight.