[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Vol’Jin coming back as a Death Knight to support his chosen Warchief against his former friends on the rebel side.


EDIT: First time I’ve used the term based and I already feel dirty. I embrace the filth.


really muscular post

And Redpilled

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very mighty

Woah easy there, one step at a time. Don’t want to jump headfirst into the pool when I’m still learning how to paddle.

Gods he was strong then

I mean this is basically sylvanas-mustaschio twirling villainy i have come to expect now. Though I would love the chance to smack Vol’jin in for betraying the (real) Warchief.

leaked footage of Sylvanas trying to reseruect Vol’jin but his super powered spirit just comes back ready to smack her up.

Death Knight physical puppet Vol’Jin versus empowered loa spirit Vol’Jin.

What’s villainous about giving someone cut down in their prime a second chance? :frowning:

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“i can give you a second chance but you must be my slave.”

I’m still not seeing the downside :weary:

No surprise there.

Erotic… Nice.

So what you’re saying is… there’s a possibility?

Aeilmar, get the urn.


edit: aughh stop making me post as “kuru the level 20 troll druid”

Lord System is onto you and your wiles.

Falstad has a thing for choking himself with a belt

if you thought i was done, you thought wrong


Do you have a twitter I can follow for more updates please.