[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Khadgar also refers to the Burning Legion commanders as devils at one point. I think it might have been the ending cinematic of WoD.

I think thats just something left behind from the Pre-WarIII Holy Light resembling Christianity thats still around somehow

Same with Hell, to be fair.

I mean, Demons being actual Demons/Daemons is obvious
 And explained. I suppose they could make sense with Devils to, with the Human afterlife been about “Hell” and “Heaven” or rather; questionable characters using dark magic/methods ending up in the realm of Old Gods or the Burning Legion and those using the Holy Light and Arcane ending up in some kind of utopia created by the Light or the Titans
 But since that is not the case its just some vague term without meaning being thrown around like what Genn said to Anduin on the Broken Front. Yea, sure
 He stood at the gates of Hell
 Whats Hell again? D:

Do we have any date about the 8.2.5 that I may have missed?

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Not yet, but Blizzcon is in november and I think that if it isn’t in september, they’ll do a “Its playable right now” like they always do at Blizzcon for big updates that people are hyped for. (Example, Cho’gall for Hots)

Nah they’ll do that for 8.3 I think. It would REALLY make Blizzard seem like they’re failing to produce content if they released something they announced at the previous blizzcon one year later at the next one.

I really hope that isn’t the case, I’d like to see patch 8.2.5 at the end of August or the first week of September. But that is wishful thinking.

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My guess is around Halloween.

Late october seems likely yeah. Before Blizzcon+the anniversary event.

Unlikely, that would be too short a time between 8.2.5 and 8.3 since that would be around a 2 month gap, while we normally have a 3+ month gap.

I think it will roll around for Spooktober, as Classic comes at the end of the month, and everyone will be occupied with that for a month.

So, we found out why they brought back Wrathion.

To sell basketball shorts.

No, really. Listen this:

Looks so bad. Imagine wearing a warcraft logo while playing basketball lmao. Such a joke
like Wrathion.

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Wrathion is a fool.

There is only one lord of the dunk.


Never before has double chin been so HOT

his old nemesis

I’d give a lot of virtual money to see a showdown happen tbh

Warcraft doesn’t have a devil or devils. It’s one of the things it didn’t borrow from D&D, where there’s a difference between devils (lawful evil) and demons (chaotic evil). Imps, for example, are devils in D&D but demons in Warcraft.

Interestingly, one example of the word “devil” used in Warcraft that I can find is Daglop in Azsuna, who calls himself “Daglop the Wondevil”. Notably, he acts more akin to a D&D devil than a demon, writing a contract for you to sign.

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Interesting fact, in MTG it’s the other way around - Demons (usually black, the colour of ambition and power-hoarding) sign contracts and plan torments, whereas Devils (red, the colour of emotion and impulse) cause havoc and chaos for the sheer fun of it.

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Devil seems to be a viable, if contemptuous term for demons in Warcraft. There is at least one such case that I can think of: ÂŽhttps://youtu.be/_lieulbyk9I?t=100

But yeah, terminology asides, that’s a thing D&D got to keep for themselves.

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I think it’ll be out in late September.