Khadgar: The Legion have returned! It is the biggest invasion yet. We don’t have the numbers to hold them back!
Person: Should we get Yrel and the others from Draenor to help us?!
Khadgar:… Who?
Do you have a shard of the Vision of Time and a bronze dragon lying around? You might be outta luck otherwise.
That retcon came later, and sneakily.
Apparently the Horde had both after the Burning Legion invasion!
How very lucky.
How about no.
How about YES, they could ensure the Blood War continues because the Horde is morally corrupt and need to be (forcibly) converted to the Light™.
“Evil” Alliance for once.
If you’re against it you’re a sheep and bluepilled.
Based and repdpilled.
But to be honest, I’d like the Alliance to be portrayed as the villain, for once.
Coughs Pandaria and killing those who tried to surrender…
Yeah I wish the Alliance would ever get portrayed as “evil”. Maybe they could have a prominent military figure - a Grand Marshall perhaps? - attempt some regicide and ethnic cleansing.
Sure is a shame they’ve not explored such a thing yet.
“He doesn’t represent the entire Alliance!!!”
- random horde soldier kills a civilian
“why is the entire horde so EVIL???”
Let me get a working GPU again and I’ll work on this if you protect my efforts from the League of Lawful GoodRP
I meant from the perspective of the Lightbound.
One or two quests of a Grand-Marshal 3/4 of the playerbase even forgets exists, compared to the Horde’s dictator condoning genocide and working towards it.
Would’ve been cooler if it was Varian or Tyrande or an actual racial leader commiting the crime, but unlike their Horde counterparts, the Alliance racial leaders apparently are totally against it, even if they’re fighting for the continued existence of their races
Hello, Garrithos.
Nah, it would only be Garithos if he’d also be against his allies.
Why can’t a leader be against the opposing races while keeping their allies friends? But somehow every “evil” leader (Garrosh did nothing wrong) also turns against their allied leaders.
Turns out when your evil acts are rooted in racism, it often doesn’t just stop at the enemy.
Coincidence? I think not.
Thats the Alliance of Lordaeron, or what was left of it!
The Grand Alliance didn’t really exist back then, and was only started in the time between WarIII and WoW… D:
Or can we blame the Horde for the actions of the First Horde, Second Horde, Dark Horde, True Horde, Fel Horde, Fel Iron Horde, Iron Horde to? (According to Warcrimes we actually can blame the New Horde for the actions of the Iron Horde, since they willingly allied with them, while knowing what they did, as was the case between the True Horde and the Dragonmaw Clan :P)
Anyways I would love Sky-Admiral Rogers, King Greymane and High-Priestess Whisperwind to take on leading roles in vengeance and real morally questionable acts against the Horde! D:<
We could wish the Void corrupt Anduin, would be a nice way to get rid of him and have Greymane ascend to the throne of Stormwind to(since he’s legally Anduins heir now, right?)
The Grand Alliance and Alliance of Lordaeron are functionally the same political entity. Kul Tiras left the Alliance of Lordaeron following Daelin’s death, and BFA correlates it as the same entity as the Grand Alliance of today. The continuity between them has never been severed.
Meanwhile these are all functionally different entities with clearly defined starts and ends.
According to War Crimes the Alliance tried to do that, and it failed because it was a bunch of .
Wait, so the Alliance of Lordaeron and the Grand Alliance are the same entity, but the New Horde and True Horde, are two different entities? While the True Horde started within the New Horde and even led the New Horde, until a bunch of rebels went against it?
I might be missing something here, or not understand you correctly you, but this looks like a whole lot of double-standards in my eyes…
It only failed because Alexstrazsa forgives everyone. Had she not, it would’ve been one of the many things Garrosh would’ve gotten thrown on the pile of accusations he had to answer for to D: