My Warchief is Montero…
…That piece is true art…
Kinda lame they’re hiding it behind the RAF… Should be a set available for everyone either from a (rare) mob drop, dungeon boss, World boss or Darkmoon Faire. Or maybe a reward from a huge behind Explorers’ league Questline for the Alliance and a Relinquary Questline for the Horde! D:
So I wanted to comment on this; but then I remebered that Orcs have been killing natives and plundering sacred sites for ages now and they don’t even care about relics or artifacts… So this is basicly the pot calling the kettle black. Both Orcs and Dwarves do it. So do Gnomes and Goblins… Atleast the Dwarves try to learn from the Sacred Sites and the ancient Relics/Artifacts…(Not saying it was a good thing they wiped out that poor Tuaren Tribe though)
Yeah but orcs aren’t the good guys, right
Ohyea, I forgot xD…
I miss the War3 era Orcs, though. Atleast they had some redeemable qualities :<
Pretty much. Any redeeming quality they had has been stripped over the last four expansions, BfA included.
That looks less rock like in this instance.
looks more like… an old spent farting pillow
I thought peeled-baked sweet potato.
A full tmog set as an RaF reward sets a bad precedent for similar on the Blizzard store in the future (yeah, I get it, we had helmets 12 years ago but that clearly flopped) that I hope doesn’t come to fruition.
The new set has a backpack, doesn’t it?
Imagine that. An actual backpack mog, for $$$$.
Please do not give them ideas.
Please don’t give them monetisable ideas, because I will end up relenting for something like that.
Store tmog isn’t exactly a new idea - I imagine Blizz have thought about, and are planning to, implementing it in the future; FFXIV does it, after all. It’s so bad in that game that 95% of the Far Asian themed “glamour” sets in the Japanese / China-themed expansion were on the Mogstation rather than earnable in-game.
They probably will implement it at some point. Doesn’t mean they should from a moral standpoint. We’ll just end up following the same pattern as mounts where the best ones end up in the store which armour sets could quickly follow suit with. Nearly none of the sets in BFA have been spectacular looking.
Besides, this is still a game you have to pay a sub for. Looking for more ways to monetise a game you have to pay money for to play is shady.
Big + I’m in no way pro-microtransactions, that stuff ruins games. The “just cosmetic” argument some shills spin will never hold any water with anybody who has two braincells to rub together. Cosmetic stuff probably takes more dev time / cost to make then number tweaks, anyway, so it’s somewhat worse when you consider $ to $ that you pay conversion rate.
Face it… its inevitable that they do this… Imagine the profit they’d get for selling HD Gorehowl on the store
Oh boy
So, what do you think she voice acted, I’m still going with the Zappy’s dad theory.
Moustache twirling intensifies
Probably yet another evil act
Found this post on the us forums that might corroborate a bit.
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