[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

They added some Brewfest NPCs who are setting up the festival grounds in the latest PTR build.



Be a bit weird for them to add next expansion’s brewfest content now (and in light of all that other brewfest content datamined in an earlier build for 8.2.5), so the patch might drop next week. Brewfest begins on Friday.

They aren’t just in the PTR build, they’re in live as well.

I think we all already know the unfortunate answer.


ye but mommy calia is thicc :weary:

Not gonna lie, if she gives us undead paladins I’ll be a follower :latin_cross:

They’ll be alliance.

:memo: sylvanas… front in light

anduin… back in the shadow…

it’s finally dawning


Unironic REEEE.

I mean, probably. But I don’t trust blizzard to write cool holy undead anymore. Would play just to upset the lightforged and human pallys, though.

Alliance will truly be the underdog faction of wild contradictions the horde used to be…

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I just want her hair stylist. :roll_eyes:

Coming soon to the blizzard shop for 35€.



Man, remember how much Blizzard teased Night Elf paladins, making big chunks of the Legion Paladin campaign revolve around justifying the concept only to never deliver on it lmao


Man, Night Elf Moon-priestessess should’ve been available from the start! but only if Blizzard decides to make some elunedamn differences between the plentitude of Priest and Paladin Races like color of their “Lights” and Spell names! D:<

And not just throw everyone on the Human Paladin pile…


I am so baffled they do not do it. They could so easily add new “classes” to the game by simply recoloring some particle effects and renaming skills.


You know it’s a real leak because they put ‘real leak’ in the title.


“Many stories seeded throughout Legion (Artifacts and Class Hall) and BFA (Island Expedition quests) will come to fruition.”

I don’t need to read any further, I’ve seen enough to know this is as fake as they come.


Blizzard simply do not finish story lines :ok_hand:

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Even though it obviously isn’t true it would be funny if they really were trying to cut BFA short and rush the next expansion out and also do a world revamp in that expansion.

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Recipe for disaster. So entirely possible.


Wouldn’t be a leak without claiming the Tinkers™ are coming. Yawn.


It’s not a true leak without a time skip #justsaying