Can’t wait for my Vulpera Death Knight woo!
PS: That was a joke.
Can’t wait for my Vulpera Death Knight woo!
PS: That was a joke.
The only joke there is the Death Knight class.
At least Death Knights are playable!
I bet he’ll need our howling blast for that burn.
If you Define Playable as being bored to death by being irrelevant, then I’m sorry you’re class is playable.
You mean like the vulpera would be?
You are one sick man! Can we report him to the forumpolice?
The Furry Division more specificly please, I need some professional help.
Though I am curious if we will ever get another batch of allied races. Lets see if 8.2.5 gives us any hints towards 8.3 release.
rolls in up in his patrol car
What’s going on in here, we’ve received reports of a disturbance.
Hopefully not. This game already has way too many races of which most are irrelevant.
That fowl cretin assault an innocent Minority. Arrest him for hate crimes.
Blizzard did originally state 6 allied races in BFA. We’re one pair off
2, we are 2 pairs off
Maghar and d-iron
Zanda and KT
And hopefully
Vulpera and
It’s one pair.
We have had 8 allied races. So I guess we won’t get any more.
HM, LF, CE and NB are part of BfA. They simply gave them early to those who preordered the expansion.
That with the races added after the launch makes 8 allied races.
And still no good ones.
Doesn’t matter. Point is that we still got a bunch of them.
I just want my new Worgen models, man. That’s all I want. Screw the cut scenes just give me my new model!
I am tired of running like my arms are just limb tubes of meat!
Tbh I’m down for rolling a Goblin alt. Was hyped for them when Cata was announced but never got around to really playing one.
Now might be the time? I say as all of the things I want to do in various games build up around me with not enough free time to do even a fraction of them.