[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

The Supreme Horde Court rules that the advice given to Vol’jin to appoint Sylvanas as Warchief was unlawful and therefore she isn’t actually Warchief and never was.



Last patch I played was the Darkshore warfront, so I haven’t been subbed in a while! And with this patch the Anniversary-Event happens to, right? (Which is my main reason, because I hate missng out on stuff like I missed out on the Theramore Wizard Hat and Tabard D:)

Anyways I also just wonder if the War-campaign will have a not-so-dissappointing ending!

I Feel it’s going to rip off the end of For Honor., you know, where the warmonger is defeated but deep down we all want conflict so the fight continues.

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In November, after Blizzcon. The anniversary events are usually ~15th Nov to end of Nov.

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Ohhhh in that case I don’t have such a hurry with the patch :stuck_out_tongue:!

But i’m still curious how they’re gonna wrap up the warcampaign!

For Honours ‘story’ was… weird. I mean, I know it was just tacked on to the Multiplayer, but still…

I actually liked it, I also thought Apollyon and her belief was cool.

What hour does 8.2.5 launch for NA at?

In an hour I believe?


HYPE HYPE HYPE! Aw man. “Body seems unclear, incomplete sentence” is Blizzard’s response to my happiness. -.-’

The forums don’t like all-caps messages

Sadly, that’s true. :frowning:

Who is ready for 9 minutes of Saurfang saying honor?


Don’t forget the grunting, growling and scowling.


You wonder why no one made a movie on Youtube yet where Saurfang and Odyn face off in a contest of who can say ‘Honor’ more often in a set amount of time.


Hype! HYPE! HYPE!!! I want to know already!

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gimme cutscene
gimme cutscene

One cutscene please

Lemme in on the cutscene, greg.

:monkey:s around


Fricking US normies get online already!!!

You can’t get world firsts so the least you can do is give us the cinematics

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You have to appreciate that we still feel that giddy anticipacion.


That’s because we want new reasons to complain.

And we also want Vulpera.