[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

WoW could stand to learn a lot of lessons from FFXIV, to be frank.


New specs feel unlikely, as they don’t have the same pizzazz as a new race or class (no impetus to roll a new character like they do) but have about the same level of work required. Prestige classes perhaps, like Dark Ranger, could work though!

I can still live in hope of a bow demon hunter though…


Gosh no, give back gladiator? stance but make it a spec. Since people liked it back in wod

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Party Sync sounds like it could be a really great tool for RPing in areas with a lot of phasing issues, like the Cataclysm and MOP zones to a lesser extent.

Firelands was a pretty fantastic raid. I wonder if Throne of Thunder is next.

Just need to hope that the Worgen and Goblin heritage sets are decent (which thus far, most of them have been) and 8.2.5 is looking good for a minor patch.

I’ll really need someone for Recruit a Friend. Never done it before…

Party sync removing your higher level abilities is lame+dumb.



I mean yes thank you Ion very cool

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Run with the pack, Brother. :wolf::snowflake:

It is. Its how they do it in ff14 and let me tell you, getting the level 15 dungeon when you’re 80 and therefore being restricted to 4 abilities drives me nuts.

Party sync in XIV is the same and it’s for good reason. Higher level abilities/rotations would let you make mincemeat of content way below your level just due to the extra tools and damage boosts you have access to.

Newer classes in XIV tend to rip through dungeons below their starting level because they get a lot of high potency abilities from a really low ‘level’ in the spellbook. So while most casters get maybe 150 potency at lv15, Red Mages get their 300 potency spells, see?

It’s not pleasant but it’s for a good reason. Even when syncing down higher level characters will do considerably more damage because the syncing can’t compress your colossal stats enough. Really though if you queue for leveling roulette you should be prepared for having bare bones kits, it’s not “fun” but it’s needed otherwise duties with higher level characters would blitzkrieg everything and leave actual lv15s in the dust.

Makes me wonder though, how will they handle DHs and DKs? Do what XIV does and assign a ‘level learned’ attribute to every spell/ability they start with or? A DK syncing below 55 isn’t even gonna have Freezing Touch, Plague Strike or whatever lol.

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oh no, please don’t trivialise razorfen kraul :frowning:


Yet WoW’s own scaling system handles it just fine?

Eeeeh debatable? I know a ton of people complained about feeling weaker as they leveled in BfA. That aside, the scaling we have now is still somewhat limited by level brackets.

If as a lv60 you went back to a lv20 zone, yeah you might not feel a significant difference because you’re “only” 40 levels apart (And let’s be frank with how few abilities you get via leveling these days, your kit will have barely changed, and with all the stat squishing you MIGHT have 10 more strength than you did at 20).

A more apt comparison would be if you went from 120 all the way down to 15. Even if you’re missing abilities I am absolutely certain you would still outpace a ‘real’ level 15, short of the game manually assigning fixed stat values for every single level. Add in having access to all your traits and abilities and you’d slaughter everything even faster than a 15 in full heirlooms. The damage buffs from your later abilities, talents and azerite traits would be nuts at lv15.

WoW’s scaling is not “just fine”, it’s been complained about before. Albeit for different reasons. I am willing to be proven wrong but I would be surprised if a lv120 in endgame gear, scaled down to 15, did not outDPS a genuine lv15 even in heirlooms.

To reiterate: Losing abilities for syncing is not fun in XIV, but it’s necessary. And I’m certain the devs found it was necessary in WoW too. It’s not ideal but unless they add a leveling roulette as well, 99% of ya’ll will probably never make use of the level syncing anyway. It’s designed (seemingly) to put you on par with a buddy so you can have fun together without you one-shotting everything.

There’s something else we’re going to try out on the PTR, a “replay” quest feature. This will allow players who have already completed certain quests to replay those quests with their friends for rewards that are appropriate to their current level, regardless of the original level of the quest.

I can think of a couple of quests which could be useful for RP. One of them is the Tiragarde Sound one with the Irontide Raider disguise quests in Freehold. Similarly, the Bloodsail disguise quests in Stranglethorn Vale. Hopefully those quests can be “replayed” to make the NPCs friends with the PC. Down with random NPCs attacking you when you just wanna RP.


huh? what mount

No joke there are some quests I’d like to reply just for fun anyway.

I always have nostalgia for Azuremyst Isle, likely as draenei was the first race I ever really settled on. The music there is drilled into my mind. I might actually be a bit sad if it ever gets overhauled. Seeing as how they made every starting zone more “AKSHUN PAKED” they’ll probably set half of it on fire and the other half is filled with who got there through Instant Transmission. (I know there’s BElves there already but like Quillboar in Mulgore they’ll probably take over half the island or some :poop:)


Throughout the duration of the event, you’ll be able to participate in three unique raids with iconic encounters from past expansions along with an old-school-inspired Alterac Valley battleground. Players who defeat all nine bosses in the raid wings will receive the Obsidian Worldbreaker, a Black Dragonflight mount inspired by Deathwing. Players who participate in Alterac Valley will receive a new anniversary event currency which can be exchanged for two new mounts: the Stormpike Battle Charger (Alliance) and the Frostwolf Snarler (Horde).

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I wonder what it’ll look like. Probably WoD wolf model with some different armor
that or a white/blue vicious war wolf recolor

We already have a WoD frostwolf with different armour. My money is on a reskinned Mag’har direwolf – which is not a bad thing, mind.