[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

imagine getting just a big fluffy white wolf like the one in Warcraft movie

Party sync is a hit and miss, rly crap.

Scaling mobs is ok to an extent, but in current content I feel it sucks.

A big fluffy wuffy owo

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looks at the talent changes in leaks
looks at his class

talent change leaks? where?

my eyes flash a powerful shade of red

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You have my Attention!

Just… want the models… I am starting to slowly break down.


It is if it has the stupid saddle.

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Well atleast we get something different then Horse reskin 100,000,000,000…So I suppose the Alliance has something to rejoice about :stuck_out_tongue:

Simple solution, don’t play a faction were big part of the faction uses horses over other stuff.

goblin monks confirmed!!!

What in tarnation.

haha trolled ya!

[rolls away]


I don’t even like monks, so it wouldn’t make me roll one either way.

rocket jumps away

Still no word on what you get for supporting Saurfang, Sylvanas or our One True God by the end of it?

The blinking hat is getting itchy…

Honor and a High Five.

A body pillow with certain holes for… reasons.

Sore butt.

At least the high-five means something in the setting.

Is it highly tear absorbent?

Too late but for the wrong reasons.


Ooooh myyyy.

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Oh look we’re getting a sort of knock-off duty finder.

Hopefully it rewards higher level players who are scaled down, and doesn’t just end up being a gimmick they took from 14 after their free-weekend post-Shadowbringers didn’t pan out.

Hey what if they give us more elves as an Allied race instead of Vulpera?

Now introducing… the nomadic desert race you’ve all been waiting for… sand elves!


Sand gnomes are already a thing. There has to be an elf for everything in a given fantasy setting, though. High elves go Horde to rejoin their people, disgusted by the void elves.

Expect eventual sea-elves (redeemed naga), sky elves with angel wings and wild jungle elves for the final nail in the vaugely racist noble savage fetishism.

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