[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Arguing about the exact number of Val’kyr is pretty pointless anyway when we all know Blizzard is liable to shift the goalposts if it suits their story. Continuity blah-blah etc.


I made that point before.

I therefore sue you for infringing my copyright on the point.

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mine is more recent and therefore more important, i refuse to scroll up on threads before throwing in my unwarranted contribution.

what next? context in arguments pfth


In a surprising twist blizzard (暴風雪娛樂) is really bad at stating clearly how basic and important things in their setting work. It’s incredibly vague how much power is required for different kinds of resurrection by the val’kyr. Sometimes three of them have to die at once like in Sylvanas after a bullet hit her but then earlier it only needed one to resurrect her after she threw herself off the Frozen Throne.

Saying with 100% certainty that it needs something like 3000 milli-Val’kyr units of power to resurrect her seems pretty dumb.


Qlive can do what she wants, Qlive is best Val’kyr.
(Yes that is her name, we already decided it.)

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Grebaine Clegane? Is that you!?

Could be that Val’kyr can make a bunch of lesser Val’kyr or do a one off empowering of a Forsaken.

Could be that the raise ‘the boss’ power is just a ‘we die to do it’ thing and not something that requires X amount of Val’kyr power to pull off.

Could be that Blizzard will do whatever they feel like.

Seeing as it’s a magical Pact, this is what it indeed seems to be.

Well, that’s one time I have been relieved with it being some home-brewed nonsense. Sylvanas taking over the Frozen Throne + Acherus would have been cringeworthy on so many levels.


yeah but also really really funny :^)

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Yeah it’s ridiculous.

If she wanted Acherus’ help she just needs to ask. Loyalist Deathlord hoooooo.



Taken from the US forums.

Tauren, please make sure you’re wearing the appropriate tabard going forwards. :slight_smile:


I know it’s fake but…

It’s so in line with how they did to the Tauren Sunwalkers during Legion that it’s believable.


These fakes are too lazy. I want to see screenshots of Baine and Rokhan and Talanji in Alliance tabards and shouting “For the Alliance!” while kneeling before Anduin, because that would be good bait.

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But the screenshot of Baine in the Stormwind Throne Room wasn’t fake right

How could it fake when Bainduin is popular?

I don’t know anything anymore thanks to the Ebon Onslaught, Tehya, Elenthas and Dudflex :tired_face::sob:

Also, apparently on the US forums version of this thread they found maps that show a lake at the place where the sword of Sargeras used to be…

We do kinda have to fix that whole issue with the sword if we want to save Azeroth, after all… D:

I must admit, kind of a bummer that both Tyrande and Shandris are in Stormwind.

I loved Tyrande flipping Anduin the finger, seems she likes to hang out in his sweet park, tho!

All shall bow before the Golden God-King.


Almost like their free will is being subverted…perhaps by some sort of malevolent entity that is known to Forge new ideals for its victims…Perhaps using a Light that Anduin is intimately familiar with?