[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

It would appear Shandris has fully slipped into her frustrating human potential yesman persona and will soon be making progeny with a Redridge meme character.

Beyond irritating how forgiving ninety percent of the Alliance leadership appears to be. Like seeing lots of different Anduins in different racial skins and accents.


I love Moira’s “both sides”. Like I think the Alliance did some war crimes but it’s pretty flipping lols for an Alliance leader to go “yeah they did a genocide, but we did some bad things too sooooo…samesies?”

I guess it’s because the Alliance know that the Horde have the military upper hand now and so they’re frantically begging for peace so the united Horde doesn’t curbstomp them.


I think it’s made more frustrating that most of the racial leaders that haven’t been involved much during the faction war are now turning up chanting about peace. Moira, Velen? Jaina must be bipolar, btw. You never know which personality you’re going to get on a given patch.

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Would be nice if any of them said “wow we’re actually not in a great position, I don’t want peace and would like to murder more Horde but we’d probably not do well…”

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I wouldn’t mind this, it’s pragmatic. I wouldn’t even mind continuing the conflict and losing and failing to be pragmatic because of emotions. I wouldn’t mind being the villain who does some dastardly things during the peace period and the whole narrative ending up with the Alliance being at the Horde’s mercy.

Anything other than the current moralizing garbo tbh.

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Moira is the enlightened centrist of Azeroth.

I guess that’s canon now.


Next expansion is four cinematics of a rogue Genn Greymane agonising over why he razed Thunderbluff or I quit. Anduin is a servant of “LIFE” and we have to stop him because war has become a vital check on WoW’s populations, who breed like rabbits.

Honestly this is par the course for the Alliance, where infighting or disagreement just doesn’t seem to happen much if at all. I remember from Wrath onwards how everyone bowed to King Chin and his anime ponytail.

Really it’s the main reason the faction never interested me that much. Even before Anduin became king it felt like everyone just defaulted to whatever the humans did. Only Genn and Rogers in Stormheim really bucked that trend, Tyrande got sassy with Anduin… For five minutes.

I just find it hilarious that all these major figures have ditched their people and homelands to go chill around a single building. Probably forever now.

It’s worse than what’s happened on Horde. But the mental image of Baine using instant transmission to the Orgrimmar bank to settle an argument every few minutes also tickles me.


and like all centrists she is completely worthless


I am still confused how did happen. Like did the Horde not fight the Burning Legion at all?

The Alliance went from the sole superpower on Azeroth to a faction that was only able to equal the Loyalist Horde with help from the Rebel Horde? :thinking:

Nazjatar was canonically much, much more of a disaster for the Alliance than the Horde.

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So how I think it goes roughly is:
End of Legion->Both sides lost greatly, apparently equal strength?
Horde recruit Highmountain and Suramar, Alliance recruit Lightforged and Void Elves. Numberwise this is a Horde victory, easily.

BfA->Horde recruit Zandalari, Alliance Kul Tirans. Horde also get Mag’har while Alliance ‘formalise’ DIrons. Kind of a negligible ‘win’ for Horde here.
->Alliance attack Dazar’alor, Horde on back foot near defeat.
->Horde sends like two ships to Nazjatar, Alliance sends their entire fleet (apparently) plus a bunch of ground troops I guess. They all get REKT. Implication that Horde troops were also primarily Rebel-sympathetic rather than Loyalists.
->Loyalists lost comparatively fewer, meaning their forces stationed in Orgrimmar were far superior to what the rebels and Alliance could muster.

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Actually Shandris comments on this that Nazjatar was a disaster for the Alliance Army. Not the Navy, not the fleet… But the Army…

So I assume they send their entire Army alongside the biggest chunk of their Navy after 2 ships, because Anduin is such a wise and strategic mind! :stuck_out_tongue:

(With an deployment like that; I want to know how he led the Alliance to victory against the Legion… Lordaeron, Nazjatar… Both are terrible military disasters And thats for the… 2 wars he fought in now?)

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I think it mainly comes down to the Allied race stuff. With the exception of the Kul’tirans, the Alliance hasn’t been recruiting particularly large populations. The Horde have gained Zulzadar, Highmountain and Suramar during this period.

That and we spunked all of our newly acquired fleet in Nazjatar. For all the spycraft meme nonsense that went into the War Campaign prior, the Alliance were very easily tricked.


It also just shows how little effort they actually put into the Alliance Allied Race’s except the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Velen is there for the LFD also? I suppose Anduin is also the King over Void Elves? Gnomes don’t even matter… Unless Muradin speaks for the Bronzebeard, Gnomes and Mecha-Gnomes(knowing Mekkatorque, it wouldn’t be that off) and what with Aysa? Standing around being useless in Borulas the whole expansion and now not even being allowed near the embassy :stuck_out_tongue:

But then again; I don’t think every race got represented on the Horde council either… D:

Mechagnomes are the first time the Alliance seem to be recruiting a larger population than the Horde for an allied race.

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Tmw they remember Ji exusts but not his girlfriend on Alliance


Emphasis on seems. Vulpera might actually be more numerous; Vol’dun is not densely populated, but it seems much larger than Mechagon.

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Yea, but if you compare habitability of both zones… One can assume Mechagon can carry a larger population then Vol’dun!

Aye. I’m mostly basing this on Mechagon being a full city that we see comparatively little of. It’s not confirmed, but I think it’s a fair guess.