[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

But Jaina later comments how the Kul Tiran fleet is scouring the seas of Azeroth in search of Sylvanas.

I mean, I guess the Horde certainly had the numbers now to back up their warmognering talk, but still, odd how the Alliance seems to go from “winning on every front” to siucha decisive loss that they need rebels to even be able to make a stand?

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It’s just Blizzard sensationalism storytelling.

Vol’jin was just as desperate at the gates of Orgrimmar in SoO, despite having most of the Horde plus all the Alliance at his side against some of the orcs and some of the goblins. It should have been a total stomp but Blizzard has to make every fight seem desperate and difficult.


Y’all putting more thought into numbers and logistics than Blizzard do.

Both factions have an infinite army of clones until plot demands they don’t. They also love using huge numbers and words that imply huge numbers because it’s EPIC. It makes RP a pain in the butt, bit that’s the problem with actually trying to make sense of the world logic.

The best we have to go off is whatever the latest vague descriptions the NPCs have to offer, which as we all know can yoyo up and down as they see fit.


There are as many elves as the plot demands.

This is good and important.


This argument would imply that Blizzard pays attention to such detail as the relative populations of the different races.

Edit: Ninja’d by Darianuth.


To be fair he was a guy using spears / Tesco’s Own Ballistas against massive robots / old god powers

Sometimes it isn’t just about raw numbers


And there are never enough Elves.

Playable High Elves and San’layn when?


don’t even, man

I’ve been waiting to play a High Elf Paladin for fifteen years

my desire to play a High Elf is old enough to be studying for its GCSEs


“The gates of Orgrimmar are impervious!!”

Night Elves blow them down with one volley of Glaive Thrower fire literally 5 seconds after this is said

Honestly, the idea that the Horde outnumbers the Alliance now is headcanon based on a few throwaway lines of dialogue, and whether it could be considered true or not, I guarantee you that the numbers will be whatever is convenient for the writers by the next scene.

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“How many void elves are there again?”

“Uh… Like, a single classroom of them?”

“They have an army now”

“But-… What?”

To be fair I’m positive the void lets them grow in number through mitosis or something. Aren’t they like the third most played race despite being barely a year old?


But with Garrosh they atleast had the excuse that his forces had the technological advantage and that they had the heart/power of an Old God to empower them. But with Sylvanas’ it’s just suddenly “yeah, Loyalist Horde is like waaaay stronker then Alliance and Rebel Horde”.

there are as many elves as the plot demands

“Elite squad” for sure.

But there’s not enough high elves to make them playable :wink:

It was even less then that.

Pretty sure a Squad exists out of less then 12 people…

It’s not just Elves.

  • Mag’har bring one Gronn and like 30 people from another dimension.

  • Dark Irons destroy an army of hundreds of Mag’har and half a dozen full-sized Gronn during the Stormsong Invasion

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: RTS mechanics are canon.

Some of the Mag’har brought over were Peons, they built some Barracks and now we’re training more Mag’har grunts and building up the tech tree to get Cannon Gronn.


" Honestly, this lore is headcanon based on a few throwaway lines of lore"

This isn’t the story forums, king


I actually appreciated the only time I heard about a number of Soldiers in the WoW novels…

The Illidan Novel at least let us know that the initial numbers of the DHs were below 100 when there was 500 candidates. Less than 20% success rate.

But then they went ahead to say that said 100 number which was lowered after the Assault on Nathereza was quickly replenished.

Orc Grunts and Human Footmen are born in full plate out of spawning pits like zerg or lizardmen. This is my headcanon. It would explain the seemingly infinite armies.

Maybe Sargy stabbing the planet destabilised the spawn pits?


You misspelled, so you lost the argument according to the internet rules.



In chronicles it mentions that OVER 9000!!! people died at the Wrathgate and no that is not a joke.