I’m surprised the first volume wasn’t just TEN THOUSAND YEARS AGO LITERALLY EVERYTHING HAPPENED The end written on a piece of A4.
Ohboy Sanara vs the Rotgarde 2.0 Headcanon-boogalo!
Weird post but also IDK what you think I misspelled
[becomes corrupted by the legion easily]
Honestly though, the desire for specific numbers to get thrown around is one of those ‘you think you do but you don’t’ moments personified.
It doesn’t matter whether Stormwind has 15 people or 20,000 - it matters that it is populous. It doesn’t matter whether 5 people died at the Wrathgate or 9156 exactly - it matters that it was a lot.
“Magni, N’zoth’s escaped. Recruit a team of murder hobos with attitude.”
I’m imagining Nzoth expecting great heroes.
Instead it’s twenty homeless people with unkept beards, paper bag hats and shoes armed with shoulder bags and sharpened toothbrushes.
Nzoth bribes them with a shiny dragon mount to leave him alone.
Or a slutmog.
And yeah, the best way for N’zoth to bait the PC into leaving him alone is to shower them in free gear without RNG, mounts and gold.
Honestly, 6 gold was enough to get the PC to part with the phylactery of Kel’thuzad. That was, like, less than one tenth of a regular mount at the time, around 2 yellow max level weapons worth.
It doesn’t take much.
Inb4 he gives us visions of the PvP vendor
“I can bring him back…”
Yeah, that’s more or less the impression I get from that crowd. It would be sad, but in truth it’s mostly just funny.
Ponders upon the deal
I accept this deal.
Shakes hand and tentacle
Aughhh noooo the fel corruption … it’s stealing my self awareness …
Yeah not sure you really grasped who that tweet was directed to there unfortunately Sanara
ah but you see I was only pretending to be dumb
checkmate atheists
Just as funny as it is to talk about how minors think about nothing but sexual activities, and then when being asked about why you make such weird statements you just go “Haha no you the nonce! you think about nothing but kids”
Idk man, might be that i am just a stupid kid that don’t really understand boomers. But that logic is a weirdchamp from me
Dunno about that think you were just owned
This one goes out to all the PCU kings grinding out here on the AD forums
I don’t know, I think the balance might be shifted towards the Alliance again now after the Tauren joined them.
party rockers in the house toniiight
True actually …