[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Yeah that’s me


On a good day I get to shop at ASDA just to treat myself and my family.

You should all shop at Aldi.

We have a Lidl just around the corner from us. It’s our go to.

-looks at the bleeding hole in your foot-

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Don’t speak to me.

This is like half the problem; people always regard fascism as a right-wing ideal but fascism doesn’t have political leanings - it just stands for high levels of centralised state hegemony and control. (I’m not condoning it as a system, but the fact that Mussolini formulated a lot of his views by reading radical German SPD tracts whilst a member of the Italian socialist party is kinda revealing).

Fascism isn’t an ideologically left or right in the traditional sense, but it’s applications are. It’s just a word conceived in Italy that was pretty easily transposed, and it can be relevantly applied to a lot of historical entities. I think Antonio Gramsci writes a whole lot about ‘hegemony’ which boils it down pretty nicely.

TLDR: You can be a “left-wing” fascist, basically, so you shouldn’t throw the insult around.

I know it’s not really relevant but history my jam and I usually only get to chat about this stuff in seminars. Pure excited rn. :eggplant:


I’m not sure that can be true when left-wing theory posits a removal of class-based hierarchies and fascism is hierarchical by nature but this is not the forum for advanced political theory


And as a second tidbit, feudalism tends to be seen as a very likely conclusion of unrestrained capitalism, so yes, you are not actually far off in that question.

this is like denial of service

a form of abuse


cutting off extremely nuanced and in-depth debate which is hideously off-topic in order to own the libs


I do history not politics anyway. I got that surface level knowledge that if you get any depth to it I’ll just flail and stammer :man_shrugging:

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It’s got a picture therefore it must be true.

Mad props to the person or people behind this leak. Quality effort from an art standpoint

Only acceptable if they’re forced the use the Drakonid models from Vanilla.

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Their punctuation could use some work though.

the background art is a year old from some artstation page, the fire death knight image seems to be assets slapped together from a few games, and the other pic is just the most recent “”"’’’’’"""""""'leak"""""""""""""

not rlly anything huge-effort


Mroe effort than most go to. Everyone else either just dumps a bunch of text, which are usually the way the actual leaks are presented, or throw together a fake logo.

To anyone out of the loop it would almost look convincing if they didn’t dig beneath the surface.


tbh we tricked a humiliating amount of people with just a set-up from a private server so anything with that much effort looks more like a tryhard fake than something legit


Still more convincing than elenthas’s collapse expansion. Didn’t even make a fake logo smh