[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

I believe the original poster of that already owned up to it being fake, or so I’m told.

No surprises really. I’ve yet to see a leak I actually believe - especially since we all know that The Collapse is what’s really going to happen at Blizzcon.

And if it doesn’t, well, we just ended up in a different timeline, proving that I was still right all along.

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This is a genuine question.

Why do people do fake leaks? What’s the endgame in faking something like that?

it’s really funny to watch people freak


Has the one with Bolvar and the mace been confirmed faked yet? Or is that one still under the category of “unconfirmed”?


Attention parasites come in many forms.

Unconfirmed and unconvincing

Please stop making fun of me like that already, its harrassement towards me rn​:sob: :sob:

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Safest bet is to go with “Nothing is real 'til Blizzcon”.


Wasn’t Legion “leaked” JUST before it was announced? Like half a day before?

Oh, one of the many leaks and fakes might very well be true, but since you can’t know which one before hand, I find too early to freak out about anything.

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Dont you hold a straight face and lie that attention from randos on the internet does not also spark joy in your heart


I love paying my Protection Subscription :tm: to my Corporation CEO so his Nestlé Presents: Private Militia PMC :tm: can protect the property I rent inside their lawfully aquired McCountry bros !


I’m a lesser evil. I just make poor jokes, ask questions or state facts as required.

I wouldn’t even bother if it weren’t for upvotes


We know who we are.

You often won’t see a genuine leak until literally two or less days before Blizzcon. When they do rehearsals and there’s a security guard or something who happens to snap shot stuff. Or when media packages get handed out to, well, the media.

I can’t wait for the next “tragic” event to be leaked for Blizzcon and players rightfully guessing who did it while Blizzard repeat the soft admission “Wait & see folks!” which just means yeah, you guys guessed it right.

When they say “Wait & See”, the players think “Wait for the story to unfold”, but what Blizzard really means is “Wait for the retcons.”