[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

“We’ll add in a book, which we retcon the book after that to” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, the new warcraft III murlocs look awesome.

By Elune, most Warcraft III:Reforged models look awesome! For most of them; I wish they were added to WoW… Since WoW runs on the same engine as WarIII! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways; yea, the Murlocs look way more intimidating and awesome then the World of Warcraft-Murlocs… D:

Wasn’t that confirmed that it isn’t?

Early WoW was built on the Warcraft 3 engine but due to the limits it had with looking behind the character as modern wow is built on they actually created a completely new and custom engine?


I hate to bring XIV up again, but I greatly appreciated how it’s most recent expansion managed to do a whole story through the leveling process with a satisfying start, middle and end. The patch content usually is an extension of the expansion story rather than a direct continuation of it.

By level cap Shadowbringers “finished” on a satisfying note with some parts that were no doubt going to be gone over in patches. But otherwise it was very satisfying and the wait for story content in patches is much more tolerable.

By level cap in BfA you’ve basically just done the prologue and must then wait months and months for the next few pages, then another wait for the next few, and the next few. Over a year later and we’re still only just starting to enter the last (?) chapter of the expansion. It throws the pacing completely off and the story you get while leveling is generally so pitiful in the grand scheme of things.

For a more direct comparison. XIV would have done the war campaign start to finish while leveling with all the spooky old god stuff as patch content. Or something along those lines.


Will we get any Zandalari related content in 8.3?
I feel like Blizzard sort of forgot about the Zandalari storyline after 8.1…
I wonder if Talanji is still bound to Rastakhan’s pact with Bwonsamdi, and if she has forgiven her new allies (The Alliance) for invading her city, bombing her fleet and murdering her dad.

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That part we do know - she is. Bwon offers her a way out of it if Talanji brings him Sylv’s head, which she declines. Not clear if she’d change her mind now, or if Bwon still wants it. He mentions he wants the head of “a Warchief” and she’s not a Warchief anymore.

I think Talanji might play a role in the next expansion, should it be about the shadowlands. There’s no way Bwonsamdi won’t be playing a role in a death-themed expansion.

I mean, by technicality, she still counts as a warchief.
She did win that Mak’gora fair and square, but then just promptly decided to go on vacation.


Do Warchiefs get paid annual leave?

I hope so.

If Talanji beheads Thrall to get out of the Rastapact and also because he keeps making googly eyes at Jaina that’d be pretty funny.

They’re not gonna kill off Thrall tho.


They already made him braindead this expansion, maybe his physical death will soon follow.

(seriously though did he even do anything of note? it seems like they just brought him back for the sake of it)

She could always give him the ashes of Vol’jin and let him sort out which flakes are his head.

Edit: Ugh, right >_> I guess my brain had flatulence.

My assumption is that they replaced Thrall with Baine 'cos of Metzen’s health issues, but then Metzen got better so they brought him back.

Vol’jin already belongs to Bwon, so that one wouldn’t work.


can’t wait for Warcraft Chronicles 4 and the chapter about the Zandalari War and how Sylvanas assassinated Rastakhan during the invasion to manipulate the Zandalari into the Horde


I can see that being a revisionist version of events from the point of the rebels/alliance to stop their “peace” from breaking apart immediately.

I mean, why would the Zandalari be down with peace with the Alliance after they literally just invaded their city and killed their king?

Think so. Ya’ll probably seent it, but Metzen did an interview before that was pretty cool after he’d been off a bit:


yeah I’ve got the same idea as far as that goes but I’m not sure why they didn’t give him even 1 single thing of “only Thrall can do this”. Like, idk, have him move some rocks. Literally anything.

I miss Metzen. Not necessarily his storytelling, but I just love his personality.

He could sell me any expansion concept and I’d be like “Yeah cool sounds good.”

Time travelling alternate reality Orcs? Sounds rad, I’m in. Thanks Metzen.

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I maintain that the AU premise of WoD wasn’t inherently bad, just the execution.