[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

It was super outlandish when I heard about it, I wasn’t playing WoW at the time. But I remember when I actually logged in about halfway through the expansion and played through the starting experience and the first few zones I was totally in to it.

Straight up has one of my favourite cinematic trailers, too. Sits just behind WoTLK for me.

I don’t know which WoW expansion was weirdest

World of Warcraft: Vietnam War
World of Warcraft: Timetraveling Techno-orcs from Space
World of Warcraft: Vietnam War 2 but worse


This is the face of a man about to drop the hottest expansion announcement of all time. Look at that cheeky grin.

If only Ion had half of that personality. Not that I’m ragging on Ion, he’s just not the charisma guy, which I can relate to because I’m not either.




Get Feasel back up there. He’s not Metzen but he can hype stuff up.

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Blizzcon can never be the same if I don’t get Mike Morhaime awkwardly but affectionately giving his opening speech and Metzen hyping up the crowd before a big announcement.

Heard my uncle is going to be on a few panels this year though, so that’s cool.

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I would give anything for that man to softly rub my head and tell me about redeeming the Orcs


Even gameplay wise (raids, pvp, class design) WoD was a relatively good expansion. The lore was also quite OK, though they could have made Iron Horde a bit more threathening and span the bosses a bit more for more patches.

Where WoD fell face first to ground was the amount of content it had in it (it had little to none)- I believe that this could’ve been avoided if they never even tried with Garrisons, since it seems to have been the major dev resource hogger even when it didn’t actually provide anything meaningful (in the end) and was the shadow of the player housing concept people had asked for.

Without that and a bit more nuance to the story, WoD could have definitely been there up with MoP and Wotlk as one of the better expansions. Even the prune that started with WoD was still acceptable.

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The art and sound teams did some incredible work on WoD. That place looked stunning.

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Nah, time travel stories do not work if you are expected to take them seriously. They are bad in concept. No. Stop. Do not.

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Gorgrond and Frosfire Ridge… :heart:

Frostfire Ridge is one of my favourite zones in the game just off it’s looks alone. Shadowmoon Valley had an amazing soundtrack, as did Talador. Didn’t love Spires though.

It not being standard time travel but explicitly an alternate timeline helped with this. No paradox concerns.

Spires looked the worst but made up for it with the Arakkoa having the best of the zone storylines, I think. While it wasn’t really tied into the main plot in any significant way, it’s still the highlight of WoD’s storytelling for me combined with Shadowmoon Valley.

Wasn’t that also the expansion that introduced the:“One Legion across all timelines” plothole?

There are no paradoxes in the story when you gut the story taps forehead

They had to wrangle the There Is Only One Legion and ask you not to think about it because otherwise the entire setting falls apart

That wasn’t part of WoD’s straight story, it was a thing kind of half-after the fact outside the game from Afrasiabi.

I don’t think the “one Legion across timelines” stuff ever comes up in game itself. Which is good, because it’s a bloody dumb idea.


If they are one Legion across all timelines, do they need to destroy all Azeroths? :thinking:

Lot of work for one Legion.