[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Probably the reason we beat them so easily in the end.

Poor guys were suffering from a fel burnout.

Yeah, and it makes the storyline fall apart.

If the Legion has access to every timeline, why waste your time in AU Draenor when you could go to AU Azeroth, corrupt it entirely (Azeroth loses when the Horde aren’t there, canonically) and use that as your base of operations?

You have to twist the story in so many knots to make the time travel/AU story not immediately fall apart, hence it is bad in concept. Time travel ruins stories unless you are not expected to take the story seriously. Don’t do it. No. Stop.

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Wow, a game where steamtanks, men in plate armor, dragons, magic and physics-defining zeppelins and other wonders of war clash over continents with little consistency between climate conditions, numbers of (insert faction/race here), is supposed to be taken seriously?

Timetravel’s just one spanner into the melting pool of WoW genres- Not to mention that we’ve had time travel stuff as far back as BC with Caverns of time dungeons & raid.

There’s many other things ranging from mundane things like gravity to material properties and physics (e.g armor protection consistency, demolisher rounds able to fly across distances that shouldn’t be possible, zeppelins, body plans of many of the bipedal races like draenei, tauren and worgen) to the already mentioned climate conditions, all the way to expansion theme things like tactical choices & character motives in narratives- Including Afrasiabi’s words.

If you look too deeply into any of them the setting breaks apart. My tactic is not to look too deeply in it and just enjoy the setting for what it’s worth.

Also this


Like I said, AU adventure not inherently bad. Just it’s execution was flawed.


Warlords of Draenor was really good until they decided to make it a Legion prelude


Here’s the real kicker

WoD was a better expansion than Legion.

Imagine being Archimonde when another timeline gets to the Battle of Hyjal and you have to go get blown up by wisps again

[SpongeBob heading out]


I am not expected to take magic seriously. I am expected to take the story about magic seriously.

This is why I’m not talking about the mechanics of the time magic and instead am talking about the story implications, you silly goose.

You’re out of luck then I’m afraid.

All the things I mention have implications to the story (or rather, should have).

Archimonde trying to speedrun the Battle of Mount Hyjal each time. If he can just shave a couple of seconds off his personal best he might actually make it to the world tree this time.


Here I go dying again


“Azeroth Invasion Hyjal% Speedrun” is a competitive game in the Legion. It’s not Archimonde every time, but he does hold the current record.

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It was amazing until they decided to tear half of the story out midway through development leaving the entire initial experience brief and confusing.

Once it releases with half of Yrel’s character development missing and Durotan and Doomhammer’s storyline consisting of exactly one dialogue exchange, all the “Warlords” but two being killed off within the first couple months… well, maybe they could have recovered, if their first “content patch” hadn’t been the S.E.L.F.I.E one.

Draenei are my favorites, old school Orcs are great, this expansion was like tailor-made to appeal to me, and even after all that it led to a whole lot of empty nothing, capped off with a complete gear-shift to “Also, Legion, but with an even uglier aesthetic than TBC”.

Hi my name is Archiboi73, shout out to my friends in the Azeroth speedrunning community, it’s a hard grind out there.

I found a couple of new skips in the hyjal scenario that should hopefully give me a new personal best, namely a way to completely bypass the Horde camp and jump directly to the Night Elves.

If you jump ontop of the head of one of the tauren and cast finger of death after you hit your apex, it launches you into the air and clips you out of the world where you can then gain access to the summit of hyjal without having to fight.


They cut off so much content from WoD didn’t they?

The ogre island for pvp (Ashran happened I guess)
The whole Zandar sea with fungal whale world boss etc - Could have been a cool patch to fight off solely vs the Botani and fungal entities
Many of the warlords dying off rly embarassingly rly quickly
The story about the origin of the ravagers/boneflayers origins

also unfortunate we didn’t see fungi infested orcs solely screaming “WAAAAAAGH”

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I actually wonder if people that make these comments live in some sort of different reality in which WoD actually had content.

Caverns of Time is a decent way to do time travel - you are reinforcing the events that happened, against the only creatures capable of meddling with the (one) timeline in Infinite dragons. They are also not the main storyline of the expansion and/or are not something you’re meant to take all that seriously. You can just take them as a cool way to re-live events in WC1-3 with some neat dragon designs.

I agree here - when the answer to a problem in a setting is ‘the writers didn’t consider that/are ignorant of battle tactics/lmao magic probably’ it takes you out of the story. It ruins, quite literally, muh imershion.

Time travel does this almost immediately because you need to add a million caveats to not make the story faceplant off the starting gate.

Had the best roleplay events to date though!

WoD fell apart for the lack of content- But otherwise it surpasses all the following expansions in all the other fields.

Indeed. A decent way.

There could have been a decent way to handle the WoD timeline stuff too, but alas, here we are.

It’s more that the stuff that was there was really good, and the complete lack of anything after the initial push sort of killed all of it.

It does actually make it better in retrospect, strangely. Now that the lack of content for the expansion isn’t a stranglehold on players, since once you get through it you just move on to Legion/BFA content, the relative brevity and intricate detail all over makes WoD a really nice experience… well, once you get past having to do the Tanaan scenario every single time. I’d love a Skip option at Khadgar to go straight to the Garrison-building part.

But compare it to Lich King or Pandaria. They had a lot more content, but when you’re replaying Lich King or Pandaria content now, how often do you bother doing anything in Storm Peaks, Icecrown, Dread Wastes etc? You never even get there, really.

There’s a reason why Blizzard went ‘hey look here’s a portal where all your favourite things about WoD fell out and then it closed and we never can go back there ever again