[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

That’s my pet peeve. And it’s a domain name to boot. Yuck.

Nelves are also in the Vol’dun invasion, i think with a bunch of sentinels and a stone giant.


Sweet; so the Stone Giants are back when we don’t really need em, and when we do need em they dissappear alongside the other Allies of Nature(Shout out to the Keepers and Dryads, who only dissappeared for a few years)

This isn’t even a compromise, it’s the ideal scenario.

I am forced to watch this video every day

Trailer is up:


So much for the endless rage from people thinking there would be no trailer.

Wtf I love Anduin now ?


So, N’Zoth’s visions affect even HolyBoi Anduin in the middle of Stormwind.

It’ll be cool if people use this to generate some interesting RP with their characters experiencing similar visions, even if… Well, my hopes are not particularly high.

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“Now live”.

European people: :slight_smile:

Suddenly Anduin is very cool? Sadly it seems to only be because of N*zoth

“I’m gonna punch that dragon in the face!”

white royalty assaults black youth, accuses him of crime with no evidence


Blizzard seeking to cash in on current IRL drama I see.

Nah, he’s still an anoyying little punk. Wish Wrathion just threw him of that ledge into his doom, but alas.

Yea, what was with that whole “because of you my father is dead”… Wrathion didn’t have anything to do with it, right? Its more SI:7’s fault then Wrathions…

Wrathion helped Garrosh go to Draenor, causing WoD, causing Gul’Dan 2, causing Varian dying at the Broken Shore.

Yes, I was confused first too, but the math checks out.


To be fair, causing WoD is a big issue in and of itself, and arguably a punch is a reasonable response.

Shouldn’t he blame Khadgar and/or the Alliance Champion for freeing gul’dan? :thinking: Oh well, easier to blame the BLACK dragon.


Thats a big fecking leap right there. He should’ve punched Anachronos in the face then, not Wrathion, since Anachronoss and the Bronze Dragonflight allowed the timey-wimey stuff to happen