[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)


Sounds like tbe Horde-side quest is exactly the same, except you’re spying instead of in the house where Calia just ups and leave.

Makes me wonder is there a Questline where I can spy on the meeting between Calia and the Night Elf Dark Rangers or did the Alliance get the short end of the stick again?

Also how do I even start the Questline where we see Tyrande do a big F u to Anduin in the meeting with the other Alliance leaders talking about peace and the armistice?

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Thought this soon after I posted and found myself feeling dumb yeah.

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Eh, its still early morning xD

I never thought we could sink any lower than DRAENOR, IS FREEEEE!… Then this comes out…

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I mean its Blizzard, it was only a matter of time before it would happen and we all knew it, deep down

And there it is. Some of my friends were hopeful that there’d a be different ending rather than what was showed on the PTR… but no.

All we needed to defeat A FULLY RELEASED OLD GOD was some magical Azerite, a dwarf king dabbling in some artifact that turned him into a diamond, and the CHAMPYUN GO HEAL TE WOONS meme.

Why can’t we have something decent anymore… jesus christ I am legit beyond disappointed. This is literally a Dragon Soul 2.0 ending and GoT season 8 level of writing, I mean even the cinematic didn’t look that good… actual :poop:tier.

Rest in peace N’zoth. May you find your place amongst the stars with likewise characters that were ruined such as the Night King.



The WoW youtube channel unlisted the final raid cinematic
Damage control at its finest


Thing is right, that’s dumb. With Ragnaros for example it worked because he was awakened “too soon”, so him coming back in Cata was a direct escalation over his previous fight.

But N’zoth’s at his full power here. So what if he comes back? It’d be like if they brought Helya back. Who cares. We already stomped him once.

Then again, maybe his swift defeat is appropriate for the story. After all, he is the weakest old god and we already slaughtered C’thun, Yogg and Y’shaarj’s remnants.


Implying argus cinematic was any good.

Then again, this proves that you can go lower than the floor in terms of quality.

It’s also again regurgitated content with a hero kame-hame-ha-ing a big bad just like Thrall did in Maelstrom. Worse, just like with Jaina, Blizzard copy-pastes it’s content from other popular genres (See LOTR).

The story team must have the same people who worked on the new star wars sequels. It’s just michael bay explosions, flashy effects + shock value without any depth or story progression.


This could have been good. It could have been great. Instead it’s just a dull, flatulent ending to a dull, flatulent expansion full of mis-steps and squandered potential.

I really hope that the reason for this is that they’re putting effort into Shadowlands. Because if that isn’t the case, then we are truly going to be in dire straits in the next expansion.

It’s been 3 months and no alpha/beta. It’s looking grimmer by the day.


Well, that was… the most underwhelming expansion finale ever.

what an excellent and unexpected ending to battle of azeroth. can you imagine if we saw the old god rise and fall twist coming when they initially announced the faction war story? that would really have spoiled the whole thing hahahaha

:sob: :sob: :sob:

old gods keep getting made out to big mega level threats and yet we keep dealing with them super easily in single patches, they’re just a side quest for us at this point.

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but we defeated n’zoth with a jesus beam just like we defeated deathwing (n’zoth’s servant) with a jesus beam

it’s like poetry, it rhymes

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At least I can grind 10,000,000 mementos for a bug mount


The fact that there wont be 8.3.5 just makes it even worse

N’zoth-senpai < Lord of the Evil Calamari > got effortlessly laserbeamed to death & now everything is fine and dandy.

The giant sword in Silithus, WOOONS and other major plot points will be completely forgotten, because we have to chase the #1 Bli$$ard waifu Sylvanas once again


can’t believe the goblins aren’t strapping rockets to the sword to launch it back into space

who else could save us?

edit: also i can’t believe we didn’t have a breath of the wild style ending where nzoth gets nuked from orbit by the vindicaar and devastated by the azerite empowered bilgewater canon which weakens him enough to get in close and finish him off

also be an excellent way to get rid of both of those weapons so we don’t have to talk about them anymore

mountain sized old god needs big munitions

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Call up Ji Firepaw. He solved one giant thorn-in-the-side before. I’m sure he could solve this one too.

Oh yeah, that was promised to get fired this expac wasn’t it?

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies…


Vegeta is gonna be pissed that we’re stealing his technique


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