[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Gnonish shrink ray :ok_hand:t2:

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goblin and gnomish engineers had the ability to remove the sword from the beginning and ensure world peace, but couldn’t agree on the best method to do it and so unintentionally started the “blood war”

revised 7.3 end cinematic where sargeras appears above azeroth but is immediately hit with a gnomish shrink ray


they’ve already said at Slands reveal that the state of Azeroth’s low HP bar will be an ongoing plot, idk why people are still surprised that it didn’t end here.

The only salvation I can see for that expansion is surprise surprise, cutting content!

And honestly at this point… They should, skip and totally render leveling from 60 to 65 or 70 meaningless. Focus on making end content good. Make people in the alpha/beta max level and slowly put something together.

Can’t wait to meet Azeroth the Titan in the Shadowlands after she dies because we forgot to finish healing her.

That would be one awkward encounter.


Probably 'cos the entire point of the heart of azeroth was to heal her and fix it from the start of the expac. Everything tied into that. Thematically, the end of the Battle for Azeroth should really be the big heal moment.

Not really sure why the whole separate shadowlands dimension (which isn’t even connected to Azeroth specifically) would link into that, but maybe I’ll be surprised. Still, that lack of clear connection is why people are complaining about a lack of resolution. It’s a dangling plot thread with no real indication it’s carrying over.


Also at this point… While I know Blizzard isn’t flawless, at the end of the day, should Mike Morheim’s spirit still live on it’d ask what that Nintendo dude said about a delayed game is bad but a bad game (expansion) will forever be bad.

Activision Overlords however set deadlines and have shareholders to please… I doubt Ion can just say to his boss “Hey, this ain’t going great, we’re lacking manpower and time to release a polished expansion, mind giving us 2-3 extra months?” and the boss of his boss doing the same…

I have no hope for this game, I’m likely gonna play it for 2-4 extra months (depending on my irl schedule) to farm BfA content like mounts, pet, reps and RP and then quit… My money will be better invested elsewhere.

I’m not sure what is worse at this point, patch 8.3 or Blizzard shills.

Whats a “shill”!?!?

I don’t even think Terran Gregory was happy with the end cinematic as he hasn’t tweeted about it one bit since it was unveiled.

And he usually loves to talk about his work.

Could be, though looking at the patch stuff he only tweeted about the intro with wrathion+anduin after the official WoW twitter made mention of it, so could be waiting for that?


The Wrathion one was cool, but something like that should have been the end cinematic. I do see why they went with the in-game one so they could show your own player character doing the big blast instead of a lore character for once.

But having a pre-rendered cutscene to cap off the expansion afterwards would be nice and is expected. Showing a few buildings fall over ain’t it.

EDIT: Also the lack of a romance ending for MOTHER is disappointing. What about my Champion of Azeroth/MOTHER ship.


She gonna be the Queen of Mogu, fell in love with keeper Ra.

Well Ra seemed to want to have a chat. But she was all robotic and aloof. Poor guy.
Maybe one day his dream will come true.


So, what happens to Ra-den after you defeat him?

I shrug at you violently :man_shrugging:t3:

Virgin Keeper Ra’den who sits cowardly in a palace in Pandaria for thousands of years without doing anything vs Chad Champion of Azeroth who nukes Nzoth to death and bests you in combat in Uldir

No competition. MOTHER knows who the right choice is

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Ra-immediately sacrificed himself-den of course.

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Stop trying to ruin my ship, you’re killing the motivation for my fanfic.

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They’ll both live forever, can make a new titan forged engine and create many machine babies together!
What can the non-specific race champion do, eh? EH?!

Also, with more female mogu popping up, I’m still hoping they’ll be a race one day.

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