[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

There was an ogre gladiator in Blackmoore’s arena. He may have been found in the wild and sent there for the show, but I doubt he was there on his own accord

I’m not against the idea per se: it does work within the lore. I would have no problem RPing with a pandaren warrior being a DK IC either.

But I’d rather not see it implemented on a wide-scale situation. It’s more for the sake of the world-building and respect for the dark atmosphere of the death knights. It’s just not aesthetically fitting in my opinion.

Much like with the Tauren paladins. They gave them a lot of lore and were seemingly going to expand upon them later on, but in the end instead of pushing for diversity, these kind of choices seem to make classes look bland and unattractive. (Legion order hall)

In case you worry about them being widespread, no risk of that. 50% of all pandaren characters are monks, and pandaren players are rare as it is. You will probably not meet more pandaren DK players than there are of them in the lore!

I would appreciate them becoming playable just for the extra options in terms of gameplay as well as access to more RP sets.


Had you talked about any other race I would’ve agreed with you.

And while there are cases of Pre-MoP Pandaren venturing out in the wilds outside of Shen-Zin Shu… I firmly belief that Chen was truly one of only a dozen. While the other (playable) races were around in force on either Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdom and even Northrend, more then a handfull Pandaren outside of the turtle should not, in my opinion, open up the class to the Pandaren.

Goblin Death Knights, Draenei, Night Elf, Orc, Worgen (with Blizzards explanation), etc Death Knights make way more sense. Especially if you consider that outside of Chen, and the racial Monk trainers (that would make the total to, perhaps 13?), no other Pandaren was known to the outside world back then.

If an Undead Pandaren should’ve appeared, it should’ve been with the Forsaken. Instead it was a living Pandaren immune to their Blight-drinks. Which should indicate how hard it would be to kill a Pandaren anyways.

[quote=“Athramus-argent-dawn, post:1105, topic:92095”]
There was an ogre gladiator in Blackmoore’s arena. He may have been found in the wild and sent there for the show, but I doubt he was there on his own accord — End of qoute I still hate Blizztards new forums! D:<

Ohh thats new to me! ANd quite interesting; and kinda to be expected with how they treated the Orcs, Ogre’s could expect a same sort of treatment as former Horde members! D:


A look into Ny’alotha. Damn, that chanting music!

Edit: turns out the music is from Shrine of the Storm, but Ny’alotha looks awesome indeed.

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I kinda do. Yeah. But I understand that mine is more an impulsive reaction. Who am I to tell how others should enjoy the game?

The ogre did even end up beating Thrall badly. Not sure what happened to him after that

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It’s unclear if it’s illegal. The children were hired contractually, but then they started breaking the contract and refused to let them leave. There’s also that one Zandalari who talks about how they disdain slavery, and that Warlord Kao would make even the Kul Tirans blush.

There’s also that one quest in Stormsong where one foreman implies his workers are his slaves and everyone seemed awfully non-chalant about it. Except that part where his slaves were being attacked by angry elementals, he wanted that to end.

You also don’t save any of the dudes getting slaved to death by the corrupted Tidesages. You give them magic juice to help them keep on working, but you never liberated them in the quest and you never come back for them.

The Kul Tirans are also using Horde POWs as target practice between slave labour. They’re also really quick to start enslaving the peons when they attack Warfang Hold.

Wowhead added better models for the Alpaca Mount(I seriously think it would fit best on Dwarves, Goblins, Gnomes and Vulpera as the smallest of races!)

Potential Wrath of the LK expansion due to the updated Death Knight textures for Allied races and encrypted Lich-King voice overs.

ALso new Saber-(350 7th legion medals, i’m farming again, apparently) , Pandaren Phoenix-, and Cloudserpent mount!

Another Vulpera (racial) mount has been added. a Hyena without the big poop caravan on their back!

And the Character backgrounds for Mechagon Gnomes and Vulpera Allied races have been added! Obviously its Mechagon-/Engineering-related and Vol’dun-/Desert-related! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d say many of these cases get closer to the idea of abuse / corruption; or a more of a low-key form of slavery.

For example I wouldn’t say prisoners of war being forced to do labor is slavery but… if it is, then night elves practiced slavery too.

This is correct, but it’s important to note that it takes place before you find out Stormsong has gone separatist and then full Squidmode & Brother Pike is personally opposed to it, though you don’t go back to help them, as you say. In a later quest, you do free the Laborers who’re being worked by the corrupted Tidesages.

Oh, definitely. Besides the guy whose workers are attacked by elementals, the cases are being treated as borderline situations / capitalist boss exploiting workers in a very industrial revolution esque as some kind of allegory for Marxism. Stormsong literally has a communist speech.

By our definition, forced labour of POWs is considered slavery.

Ah, that’s fair enough. Still weird that you give them a pass under the assumption they’re friendlies before you discover they’re separatists though.

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I guess I’d say that treating your workers harshly is frowned upon (at least by some characters), but not like, illegal or anything. Pike’s dialogue implies that it’s not super common, at least.
still good to know stormsong valley officially supports the noble worker, comrade…

Lore discussion aside, they fixed the Alpaca saddles and added some other versions, for a total of five recolours. Still no word on their source, though I’ll tentatively say the Uldum Accord reputation.
There’s also a new pink/white Cloud Serpent and a Black Ji-Kun recolour.

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Wouldn’t surprise me if they were also just drops from rares like the mounts from Arathi/Darkshore rotations.


Oh, well, then we should count the night elves in the group too. In the Varian Wrynn comic they force a group of defeated orcs to work in chains (they looked like they were mining something).

Then again it must not have been easy for them to decide what to do with these folks. They’re basically an invading group that if freed would return back in a week.

Wow, seems red only sees red, since I posted it 10 mins before you and I feel skipped now </3 (I have to admit, I thought they only added new “fixed” Alpaca models" not new recolors. Anyways I suppose we can assume its a combination of the Uldum Accord and

Since thats the most obvious.

I am curious what the new Nightsaber’s source is, though? Perhaps Tyrande-followers?

Invading Bacteria. People tend to forget they’re not native to Azeroth; thus they could be considered an invading disease upon the planet, instead of a part of it…

New Vulpera Character screen looks beautiful, the sunset is gorgeous.



It says you buy for 350 tokens from Assault and Warfront stuff.

I feel like this is mixing IC and OOC a little bit. But there is a degree of truth in these words. It’s really a case of what the orcs have done and can do that should make the Alliance treat them warily.

They have nearly wiped out the draenei and the countless races on Draenor. They have brought their homeworld to the brink of annihilation while serving evil demonlords and have tried to destroy Azeroth and its inhabitants.

When given a chance for redemption they went down the way of Garrosh and when given yet another chance they joined Sylvanas and Teldrassil happened. And we also had the Iron Horde. Even from a narrative standpoint it has become harder and harder to see the orcs as this misguided honorable force.

They must also breed a lot apparently. They always have numeric advantage for some reason.

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Aha, it seems I got carried away in my own thoughts. Since I myself stated it was buyable for 350 7th Legion tokens. What I did mean was, since it was added this late; was it added as a sort of; this is your second place reward as Night Elves since no one got first place, or was it added to bring more distant between the Night Elf players loyal to Tyrande and they rather see them more loyal to the Alliance(hence the reason why they’re reward by such medals to “force” you to be influenced more by the High-King and his peace… Because honestly; I seriously think Blizzard got caught offguard by how many people went for Sylvanas instead of Saurfang and they’re already working against it for a eventual Tyrande vs Anduin scenario… :stuck_out_tongue:

(did that make sense? it made sense in my mind :S)

But Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes aren’t Azeroth’s inhabitants, they are just malfunctioning machines.

That’s a low blow to my emotional processor, man!

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