[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

If I recall, priests could use Shackle Undeads, Paladins could detect them with ‘Detect Undeads’ (OH I MISS THOSE DETECTIONS!) and… Paladin’s undead fear?

I don’t know anything about Magic, so…
Well, barely anything.

Turn Undead, yeah.

I’m one of those who thinks races should have spec restrictions for certain classes so…

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Yep - they could also speak Common which ended about as badly as you’re thinking.

I don’t know anything about Magic, so…

That’s okay - basically in the game you can do really wonky things flavour-wise like have a mouse pilot a helicopter that then pilots a train, but that’s okay because trying to make the game mechanics stick to the flavour would make the game substantially worse.

I just hope they change their mind about zandalari warlocks next


I’m gonna be real honest, if your race’s identity is based around a shallow and one note concept and tied to the hip of your faction leader so that you’re incapable of showing any agency of your own, and if the departure of said leader then leaves your identity empty then it was a pretty :poop: poor one dimensional identity in the first place. While I may not agree with how they made Calia an undead, she at least gives the Forsaken a chance to explore what it actually means to be undead instead of being delegated to evil sidekicks with no personality.

Re. all these faction leaders changing, I’d rather we have actual progress and growth than stick to things that clearly don’t work just because we’re afraid of change. People complaining about the title of Warchief being abolished, yet it’s been shown time and time again that giving absolute power to one person in the Horde does not work. How do we fix that? Don’t give absolute power to one person. Relying on a benevolent dictator is a recipe for disaster and it shows.

People complaining about Gallywix, Sylvanas, etc. leaving and the Horde is left with peacemakers really ignores the whole part where the peacemaker leaders are doing it based on their own experiences that lead to them prioritizing the survival of their people first and foremost. It didn’t happen in a vacuum where one day they had an epiphany and decided war bad

God forbid for once there’s leaders who act like real people with humane responses instead of one dimensional caricatures and now the game is ruined because there’s no 24-7 war and therefore no conflict. WoW went its first half a decade without a faction war. That didn’t stop conflict from existing.


The factions at an uneasy peace while factions within the factions picking fights was better than the dumb wars that came in Cata/Mists and BFA.


Can’t wait for Garrosh to become High King of Stormwind, so that they can evolve being generic goodguys with no personality!

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I wonder if Mechagnomes are able to feel things with their mechanical limbs. My guess is that they don’t but I’m not too sure since it isn’t mentioned anywhere I think.

Cancel out what, though? The physical changes from the Lightforging process wouldn’t go away.

If we’re talking about the whole channeling the Light thing, that’s just as true for ordinary Draenei DKs because Gift of the Naaru. It’s probably best thought of as either pure game mechanics, or akin to Forsaken priests able to call upon the Light in spite of themselves.

Obviously not; they would keep the tattoo’s and their special horns; but the I think it would be cool if the tattoo’s turned the color of the spec then! :stuck_out_tongue:

And the weird naaru mark floating on their forehead should dissappear to D:

Oke, but what about being able to change the floaty thing? Lightforged can use a toy that summons a fel version fo theri symbol too, after all.

Should they be left out of using that one too?

Yes, duuuh.

Did you change your gear? You look like a filthy Goblin now!? D:<

I hear that. I liked the lore of the Forsaken a lot but am also excited to see where it develops

Funny story, Jess started as a goblin but saw the error of her ways so race changed into the superior race.

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If the Calia thing actually pans out (which I still don’t believe it will, I think it’s a big ol’ pile of red herrings) it would demand a status quo change, and that’s something WoW has needed for a very long time.

Really really minor inconvenience, when the event is up, all of Pandaria is dark blue mode, not just the Vale.

Nevermind, logging out fixes it

I have wanted play-able naga for years, and that has been in my mind for ages, too.
Naga being able to change like Worgen.
I’d love it, but doubt it will ever happen.

They could have an Illusionform where they appear as their pre-Naga selves for convience with mounts etc :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess. Would be cooler if Blizz just made their bodies longer, and have it kinda folded on the saddle. So they can mount as their Naga and elven form, just like Worgen can.

And as for Pants and boots, they could be rings of armour, wrapping around them in sections.