[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Not sure how I’d feel about it to be honest. It just seems…wrong. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they do it. Little surprises me anymore.

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Wouldn’t be the first time DKs had fire damage. Lichbane never got used but we did have it as a fire damage runeforge.

Yes, but fire theme doesn’t really seem to suit the DK class fantasy. I wonder how they would justify that. Bolvar being bathed in the flames of life was a one-off just like Calia.

Probably something along the lines of:
Man it sure was nice of Big Daddy Bolvar to share some of his fire powers with us to help make us even more powerful! He’s so nice.

A rather cheap and cliche excuse. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they do it.

On the bright side, all four of those blades appear to be 2h, so maybe 2h frost is coming back?

My gut says no. In the ‘arsenal’ from broken shore they had transmogs for both 2h and 1hers for all three specs. I expect they’ll either add some 1h equivalents (in all four colours) or just leave frost out in the cold holding the bag.

It might be, but dunno if they would with the artifact transmog still knocking around. But who knows.

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One can hope…

I want to be a Lich King wanna be not some hyperactive weeb swinging popsicles.

Another two reasons why I don’t think we will get the fourth spec is because:

  1. It would be yet another spec to balance.

  2. It wouldn’t have an artifact weapon from Legion.

The third reason for me would be that fire doesn’t really have anything to do with DK class fantasy, but that could be expanded upon to be justified I guess.

Honestly they can diversify specs with talents, make a row only have two options to pick between DW or 2h playstyle. Like the old Talents allowed.

Could do the same with fury.

I dunno man, when thinking about in death in general I hardly think of Fire… But then we had Ember and Magma-Wyrms pop up to… So yea :stuck_out_tongue:

The only way I can see this work is if they made it a specific scenario which would:

  1. Either give the existing DKs the power over fire.


  1. Bolvar uses weird fire-unholy-whatever magic to raise new normal/allied race/pandaren DKs into a new “5th” generation of death knights.

But that still doesn’t refute my two reasons why it is unlikely to happen. It would simply be just another spec to balance and it wouldn’t have an artifact weapon in Legion. Of course, it could be a spec that it available only at lvl 60 (if the level squish happens and makes 60 the next expansion’s max level), but I don’t know…

Well; I was personally more thinking about the line of it just being customisation. With the Allied Races Death Knights having fiery eyes and burned skin instead of blue eyes and rotting skin; to actually show that the main race Death Knights were raised during the time of Arthas as Lich-King, while the Allied Races Death Knights were raised during Bolvar’s tenure as Lich King. Nothing else would chance; since their powers would be the same, as the main race Death Knights anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

In that case, I hope that only the Allied Race DKs get that option.

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You’ll get fire’d, and you’ll like it!

Does Big Daddy Bolvar ever actually display fire powers? I don’t seem to remember any of it from the DK Campaign.

Maybe he’s just burned to crap and can’t actually do anything with it? Like, a Leper Gnome doesn’t have radiation powers…

He’s not displayed any powers really yet, aside from control over the restless dead and telepathy.

Considering his art though https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/1/15/Bolvar%2C_Fireblood.jpg I fully expect blizz to give him fire powers. I mean, story tropes, ya know.

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I’m torn between “Fire Death Knights is dumb, which means Blizzard will do it” and “Giving a fire-burned character fire powers makes some logical sense, which means Blizzard won’t do it”.

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I’m very much in the pro-“icy undead are just better” camp.

It’s partially because I prefer some consistency in terms of visuals, and also because flames and corpses just have a disconnect in my mind; subconscious logic dictating that those bones should be reduced to ashes in short time.

I know. It’s magic. Logic was left at the door.

But fire-undead are still inferior.


I hate it when people say that. Just because Blizzard can’t write magic well doesn’t mean it can’t be done.