[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Agreed, but we are talking a Blizzard franchise right now. And in this case I stand by it.

We have had burning undead before. There were ‘Burning Archers’ back in WC3, and more recently https://wow.gamepedia.com/Burning_Skeleton during the Felomelorn quest.

It definitely isn’t common though.

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Magma- and Ember-wyrms to! D:

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There are burning zombies in Stratholme too.


So, basicly, Fire Undead… Aren’t that rare? :stuck_out_tongue:

Obviously not as common as Frost-y Undeath… But “common” enough D:

Was hoping Zekhan would disappear now that Saurfang was dead but guess not. Now he’s so pure+good that he’s able to resist n’zoth above others like Thrall :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Give them a frost fire caster spec! With a skeletal mage pet. Give it to me!

wth… why would the guys who, since day 1 of their free will, were 100% dedicated to killing the greatest collection of undeath on Azeroth, and now serve a fire-infused lich king… use fire?

what…? makes no sense…


the ebon blade serves me, LK and I are just cohabiting platonic unlife partners

yo that’s canon now? sicc

No idea man, why are there Fire-Undeath in general? I mean it makes no sense fire has nothing to do with Undeath…

As anoyying as it is; I suppose you’re stuck with him as one of the new generations of heroes, alongside Geye’rah, Baine, Thalyssra, etc D:

You can just know Rokhan will take him under his wing to be trained as the new leader of the Darkspear :stuck_out_tongue:

With Geya’rah resisting the corruption, and her essentially being him, does that mean he’s 50/50 corrupted?

These are the things WoD/BfA have to answer for!

Probably as justice for Alliance players who were cheated out of Nightborne despite helping them through the entire Legion expansion only for them to go “nah tyrande is a big meanie say nasty boo boos!” and join the omnicidal maniac.

That said it’s not much justice since Mechagnomes are seriously in the uncanny valley, moreso than normal gnomes.

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I mean I’m not a fan of Liadrin either and Lor’themar’s on my naughty step right now but that’s a little bit extreme


That doesn’t add up, though since I know even less then a handfull of people wanting to play Mechagnomes and less then a dozen people who are actually happy to have Reskingnomes as a playable race…

Unlike the Nightborne, which made enough Horde players rejoice and started a :poop:storm on the Alliance D:

And all I just wanted was my damn Argus-Broken, Furbolg or Naga! D:<

P.S: what does OMNICIDAL mean? D:

Please lets not start that discussion again in here. We have (had) plenty of threads were we had the discussion about how the Nightborne being Horde suck(or its the gooid choice) and where the Void Elves in general suck when we could’ve had Void-/Argus-Broken… D:

Oh how silly of me it was Liadrin who told Sylvanas to burn Teldrassil of course.

For the glory of the Light and all that. See the Light isn’t as good as people would have you think!

until they saw the models lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Well, I don’t have any problems with the models, tbf… Although they kinda lack customisation options D:

(Yes I have a Nightborne, he is a level 21 Warlock okay! D:)

If next expansion doesn’t add more faces or fix the appearances of NB… I don’t think they’ll ever get them right in the future.

Unless there’s enough outcry from players and Blizz makes a huge bundle for everyone in every race that doesn’t have enough of those.

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To be fair; even the Main Races severly lack in customisation option and they never fixed that(Kaldorei Silver/amber eyes or Black hair anyone?)

And they have yet to fix that. So I doubt they’ll ever fix the AR lack of customisation options D: