[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

I just want my eyeglow back. I look like a car with the headlights off now. Female worgen got bright eyes. :frowning:

Blood elves still have a derp eyes going on for the golden and DK eyes.

The engine really oughta step up for character customization. Cuz the same face syndrome is frankly painful for Pandaren.

In the end… We just want options. Blizzard not enabling them seems silly and frankly slow. Took 7+ expansion to get straight orcs… How long for your glowing eyes mate?

If I’m lucky? A patch. Core races all had issues at first that got ironed out a patch later, even draenei and blood elves which were added later.

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A patch, next expansion maybe.

I can’t fathom why it takes Blizzard so long to fix minor (but annoying) cosmetic problems. Square-Enix literally fixed problems with the Viera and Hrothgar within a week or two of their expansion being released.

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Honestly Blizz think they’re comfy since there’s very little competition. I can only hope more will arise besides FF14 and get them to pull their fingers out of their rear.

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Both SWTOR and Elder Scrolls got settings I enjoy as much as WoW, but I’m very comfortable in WoW and I think that goes for the majority of Blizzard’s subscribers.

FF14 definitely makes them sweat a bit. They timed their 8.2 release right around Shadowbringers didn’t they? You don’t do that by accident.

FF14s main weakness continues to be a general lack of world content. You log in, do instances, log out. You have some really neat activities like the Gold Saucer but they’re just that, side activities. They’ve tried with stuff like Eureka but that’s just a nightmare to get into and tbh wasn’t appealing to me at all, and it remained entirely optional.

Yeah, Blizzard has a history of timing the patches when another popular MMO is either releasing or having a major patch. From FF14 to SWTOR, ESO and even Wildstar when it launched. They keep telling us they don’t do it but I’d like them to stop thinking we’re illiterate morons who can’t even read the calendar.

I’m past “Oh yeah, this MMO is definitely gonna be a WoW killer” phase because even at its lowest (WoD) game was still -Allegedly- flirting with the 3 Millions active subs which is huge for a sub based MMO in the worst content drought. All I want is competitions that will make Blizzard speed up with the bloody content release and quality of it.

FFS is that too much to ask considering how many times they said they recruited more people during WoD for faster content releases and better quality since said staff had to be trained?

And yet we still end up with trash expansions like BfA… Objectively in terms of content it’s better than WoD sure, however for me, BfA feels worse than WoD.


Wrathion’s boss fight is actually all an illusion.

Shame you can’t skip it if you bring a Nightborne along eh?


The Black Dragon complaining that people assume the worst of him despite the shady past of his kin, HIS shady past and deeds and moans about “Why people assumed so easily I betrayed the world?”

Collective surprised Pikachus

Honestly if people want Blizzard to change they’ll have to make sure millions of people collectively unsub from WoW.

Of course its better to still remain subbed and complain over and over because cake is nice!

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I doubt people can unsub from the game because someone told them to. The most effective way of unsubbing for good from this game for most veterans is if the game stops being updated with new content.

Essentially only Activision Blizzard can kill their game either through their absolute laziness or willingly unplugging servers.

Look if we’d just let Garrosh win the Legion never would have invaded…

Rumourmill suggested this has nearly happened twice now, with WoD and BfA allegedly seeing the least player activity across the entire game’s lifespan.

9.0 better be a homerun on par with MoP or Wrath because I’ve never seen so many people I know quit all at once. We even stuck through WoD but BfA completely killed both guilds I was in before 8.1. I’m only here because of Classic and RP.

Makes you wonder what is wrong with them? Why can’t they maintain a steady level of quality regarding Wow? Are we really meant to be stuck in this cycle of one :poop: expansion followed by a good one and back to :poop: expansion?

BfA is the proof that even if a game has content it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good…the problem we see today or have been fixed in 8.2 were seen since freakin’ Beta. Idk why Blizzard has this sexual thrill in making their game worse only to fix the problem/class 2 patches later or the expansion after.

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Can’t look like a Nazgul.
Why this set is only leather…

Fishy Nazgul.

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The Ebon Blade did not serve Bolvar. We were simply allied with him during the Legion invasion.