[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Okay they didn’t serve him, they just did his bidding and had their leader marked as his minion, and the rest of their leadership steadily replaced by people risen with his power.

But yes, they did not and do not serve Bolvar :slight_smile:


That’s what Blizzard portrayed it as. It matters little what we think.

Until we get more EB lore, we do not even know if the EB are even allied with Bolvar anymore, now that the Legion invasion is over.

EB gets a free pass to do all the cruddy things forsaken do but they get away with it.


In the 7.2 class mount quest, Bolvar warns the Deathlord that if they should die, LK will take control of Acherus and use it for his own ends, which indicates that he doesn’t have control of it now (because the Deathlord does).

Basically you got two undead dads (un-dads?) who’re bickering over custody of the kids (the Ebon Blade). And right now, I’m winning.


That’s because chad EB > virgin Forsaken.

Just because there’s no rabid haters for any Ebon Blade leaders :^)
The power of having the fanbase’s indifference is a great power indeed.

He doesn’t control it, no, but they most certainly seem okay with playing along with his plans for now. We’ll see if that develops any further in 8.3

I did get a really cool bone dragon out of it so…


And truly, isn’t that all a DK can ask for?

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The Ebon Blade is still way behind on the scoreboard, to be honest. And unlike the Forsaken, they’ve actually contributed to the world.

The Blight sure helped a lot against the Lich King, didn’t it, you withered old nuggets? Gave him a right nasty cough and everything!

The Blight was objectively more impactful against LK than the Champions were.

Blight: Injured him, forced him to retreat.
Champions: Toyed with, got one-shot once he got bored.


Blight: Minor cough, healed when out of combat for 5 seconds.

Champions: Hacked at with swords until they froze to death. Morons. Total failure. Sad.

THE HOLY LIGHT: Killed that motherf- dead.

You don’t have to thank us. We forgive you.

Pretty sure he killed himself by trapping too many ghosts in his sword and not having a contingency for if they somehow got out. Sort of like the plot of Ghostbusters 1.


Yeah ignore this murderer cuz this other dude killed ten people. Standard Draenei-post mental gymnastics.


Priorities, man. We haven’t wiped out the Forsaken yet. We’ll get to the Ebon Blade when we get to 'em.

easily parks acherus anywhere we want and activates its stealth drive so you can’t see it good luck losers :sunglasses:

Edit: New datamined model for Nathanos. What does it mean???

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Seems Nathanos betrays Sylvanas, which makes him worthy of Doomhammers Armor and the Doomhammer, thus making him the rightfull heir to the Warchief title!

Ohyea, its all coming together now :stuck_out_tongue:

I will miss Nathanos when all of this is over - we need more characters that are on the same side as as the Champion, but don’t worship the ground Champion walks on + loves the smell their farts


big agree, sadly there aren’t many of those around

It’s a very Mary Sue ish trend where a character either LOVES the player character or they’re a villain. No middle ground.


My issue is Nathanos swung too far in the unlikeable direction. Even for me. I agree fully that we shouldn’t be besties with literally everyone and I dislike being put on a pedestal above Anduin and such, but… There was nothing I liked about Nathanos. He himself is bordering Mary Sue (is so much better at being an elf than actual elves that he trained other elves lmao) and while I can happily name a few villains or anti heroes I like in media, Nathanos ain’t one of them. He just came off as snarky and dismissive without any charm or wit to make him entertaining as a character (I don’t mean literally cracking jokes or puns).

But that’s just my 2c and people are free to disagree. I’d rather have more characters like Magatha who are obviously doing shady stuff but knows full well you’re not in a situation to be able to refuse her and acts accordingly, yet doesn’t act in an unlikeable manner, for example.


Seems to me it’s just more that he’s a proper example of general Forsaken mentality. Always an emphasis on the negative.

There’s plenty instances of him being p dope and praising though, I’m sure one of our resident belfposters has an imgur link with a bunch of screencaps of it, but I don’t have it at hand.