[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Post #33 in this thread in fact.



This one cracks me up everytime :stuck_out_tongue:xD

I was really hoping the Paladins would launch into the Ebon Blade as soon as Legion was over for daring to attack Light’s Hope. Causing a big old war up in the Plaguelands. Would have been guuuud.


Yea, big missed oppertunity; especially since Liadrin had no qualm about fighting other true Paladins who helped her during Legion… D:< :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, uhm, Turalyon was naaru’d from behind, and is thus no longer a true paladin. He’s a doormat.

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No, I was talking about the true Paladins, the true Knights of the Silver Hand before Tirion and the Legion invasion defiled the order. I am talking about the Humans and Dwarven Paladins! :stuck_out_tongue:

Tirion was one of the original Paladins.


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So is Turalyon :stuck_out_tongue:

And look what happened to him. Became a wind chimes doormat and married a psychopathic void snorter.


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And it was Turalyon who convinced Terenas not to execute Orgrim and the orcs. Vengeance isn’t justice. He used to know that before he got enslaved by a naaru.


Weren’t they married before she became a Void-Snorter, tho?

IT WAS HIM?!!?! I didn’t know that! D:

Makes it even crazier he allowed his Naaru-Sugar-Mommy to put his wife in prison! Must’ve been Mindcontrolled for sure! D:

If my wife started doing that, she wouldn’t be my wife anymore.

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I dunno man, she’s hot… And if I had to choose between a Hot Void-Snorter or an glowing Space-crusader who looks like a goat with a squid on her face the choice would be made pretty easily… Especially if you’re stuck with that for 1000 years :stuck_out_tongue:

Draenei > elekk turds >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elf.

Don’t kill orcs but definitely torture them with the Light.

Ofcourse killing all of them like most of the Alliance(including the now Blood Elves) wanted would’ve been a better option anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

And Azeroth would’ve been doomed due to the Orcs not existing to help fight off the Legion during the Third War.


Damn Blizzard and not allowing any other option. The Horde MUST be a present on Azeroth. D:<


What we have vs what we could’ve had on the Alliance D:<

And thats without taking into account the Gnomes but more techy vs the new race of Vulpera’s! D:<

Kinda reminds me of the zillion horse the Alliance gets vs the Hyena, and what not the Horde gets :stuck_out_tongue:

Every time someone posts about celtic high elves, I question if they have any grasp of what setting they’re playing in