[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

This basically confirms it is 8.3, not just early data for next expansion.

So yeah.



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I suspect it’s actually 8.3.5 stuff. Already putting stuff in the game in the 8.3 patch, but we won’t see/access any of it till 8.3.5, I bet.

I think this is deliberate pre-Blizzcon teasing and hype, too.

So N’Zoth pretty much kicks the bucket the same way we finished off Deathwing.

What a joke. Seems that without Horde to fight any longer, and N’Zoth being a minor threat, my dwarf and myself will spiral down further into crippling depression. Jesus christ this literally looks like Dragon Soul 2.0.



Dunno. This seems okay to me. I’m not really impresses or shocked, but I’m not disappointed either. Aside from stabbing N’zoth with Xal’atath and maybe capturing him in, I see no other way of defeating him.
Actually, using the Forge to defeat him is pretty fitting imo. It shows that an Old God can’t really be defeated by the usual “punch it til it dies” tactic, but requires something that’s actually powerful.

The 2-faction system.

As far as I’m concerned, it is the root of everything awful about WoW’s story, having to build around the increasingly arbitrary distinction between Horde and Alliance.

It means you can’t progress any of the mortal conflicts, as factions must both be kept sufficiently intact as to not disrupt the status quo. That means the only thing they can actually do is present a big scary monster every now and then that we team up to defeat.

You can’t even have the big scary monsters persist for a longer period. They have to be defeated fairly soon after being introduced, because otherwise their continued threat would force the two factions to work together all the time, which would also disrupt the 2-faction status quo.

Now, you might say that there’s actually lots of ways Blizzard could write around this hindrance and not make it awkward, stupid, predictable and just plain terrible: to that, I say no.

Maybe someone could - but Blizzard sure as hell can’t.


Remove faction system.

Sure, they could make it so alliance/horde can’t enter each others cities, but that should be it, if even that. After the Third War we should’ve been allies instead.

Some would be distrustful towards the other faction, but that could be the reasoning for PvP, but not as a whole and just extremely minor thing.


We literally Kamehameha Nzoth.

I both love and hate this.

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At least we use Titan stuff to accomplish this, rather than our own power getting the job done.

I’m more interested in the Death Knights though. And finding the idea of a Lightforged champion of the Scourge somewhat amusing.


I doubt Lightforged Draenei will be able to become Death Knights, tho… Since that, basicly, would make them Draenei Death Knights except with more options and the Vindicator-cannon as Racial xD

Changed into ‘‘Acherus Cannon’’.

I fixed the problem.

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So it all works out hunky dory azeroth is fine and not at all corrupted and everyone’s happy+safe with no issues?


Who needs a canon on a flying ship when the champion of azeroth themselves is now a canon.

Now we are the Jesus Beam.

You thought it was Thrall, but it was you, Champion.


Sadly, it looks like it D:<

This is actually funny because it means that the “fourth war” wasn’t actually that bad as magni was claiming.


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Considering the only two major characters to die were Rastakhan (RIP, taken too soon) and Saurfang (dabbed on)…yeah.


Stil lwish they would’ve off’ed Jaina and made Tandred Lord-Admiral instead.

Atleast he doesn’t suffer from mental-instability and having his story finished a zillion times :tired_face:


pulls on a clown mask after seeing this travesty



Whatever. I just can’t wait to play as a badass HM DK. Incoming white fur, runic antlers, runic face paint and runic tattoos!

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