[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

That is sad to hear. :frowning:

What do you get when you pay a monthly subscription to a company that timegates content but also requires daily grinds to unlock it?



I guess this sinks my hypothesis of the chamber of heart being just like the maiden of vigilance boss room; the forge platform actually being a lift down to the real world soul chamber.

I mean, that spinny round platform thing is pretty much identical so why wouldn’t it be a lift in a dramatic twist as we descend it to save/stop the obviously corrupted world soul with the power of the heart, expending its power to save the world and reset our godlike power for next expansion?

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You know why WotLK was such a good expansion? Because the build up to the big bad Lich King went throughout the entire expansion. First Naxxramas, then the tournament and then onto Icecrown Citadel.

Legion somewhat went the same scheme, hence it was positively accepted. BFA is just all over the place, the build ups to short and the villains (such as N’Zoth) show up, we know its a big threat, but we dispose of them too quickly in my opinion.
Maybe 8.3.5 is tied to it and gives a good transition into the next expansion.


Party rockers in the house tonight!

Tbh the most disappointing element of BfA was that when we found out that Sargeras was stabbing Silithus, it opened up so many possibilities of it maybe affecting Cthun and we’d have a whole old god expansion.

Instead we got an old god patch.

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old god expansions are just universally a bad idea

old gods are a bad idea


I’d rather have a reborn Black Empire expansion than BfA.


BFA was a “let’s just stick all of the ideas that we don’t think could make a full expansion together” expansion. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it.

A faction war expansion? Nah, you can’t carry an expansion with a PvP theme alone. I mean, if we could, then we wouldn’t have included pandas at all in MoP.
A Kul Tiras expansion? Nah, the theme is too restrictive and we can’t do enough with it. I mean, who wants an expansion that revolves entirely around humans?
A Zandalar expansion? People wail every time there’s a troll-based patch or dungeon, let alone a troll-focused expansion. No chance.
A South Seas expansion? How could we make a bunch of boring islands interesting? Let’s just invent island expeditions and call it a day.
A naga expansion? People would get sick of dealing the sea snakes after the first zone or two.
An old gods expansion? We already had that with Cataclysm and that bombed, so let’s not do that again.

So let’s just glue all of these ideas together! That way, you can’t focus of any single idea for long enough to make something cool out of it and instead, you end up with a bunch of half-baked themes that clash with each other in a disjointed and dysfunctional mess! Sounds like a perfect expansion to me!


And I think we can all agree, it was :relieved:


Blizzard should do that more often.

This is the best expansion to date, only expansion that comes close is Warlords of Draenor!!!1!!1one!1!

BfA is the expansion we deserve


Painful but true.


BfA isn’t as good a “faction-war” expansion as MoP. It’s getting Warlords of Draenor levels of bad now. Looking forward to my Super Azerite Kaio-ken X10 form though.


I’m obviously biased here, but N’Zoth getting killed in one patch is just the worst.


All the Old Gods got killed in a single patch when you think about it.

N’zoth’s the weakest so he really only deserved a x.5 patch instead of a full one…


For whatever reason, Yogg Saron felt much more impressive and intimidating than this does.

And that wasn’t even his final form…

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I agree, but that, I think, because back then… Not really much was set in stone about the Old Gods. And back then we didn’t already finish off a damn Titan, who are capable of solo’ing Old Gods… So yea :expressionless:

Imagine being Old Gods thinking you’re the big cheeses and that all of Azeroth should cower in terror before you. You leave tantalising breadcrumbs and signs of corruption and prophecy all around to surround yourself in mystery and malice.

But you’re only ever a quick detour to sort out on the road to more important matters. You’re a side quest.
