[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Entirely true, but N’Zoth got this decent build up throughout BFA whilst Yogg was just there… Did C’Thun get so much attention back in Vanilla? I’m not sure here

He didn’t get anything before the shifting sands patch iirc but because of the AQ War Effort, the gong quests, and the raid being suitably difficult (also broken) it felt like a big deal. A much bigger deal than Yogg or N’zoth.

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Throws up in the punch bowl as you party rock

Oh well done! Now nobody will drink the poison punch, and thus won’t ascend to WoW 2. We’ll be stuck here forever…

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I reckon N’Zoth getting blasted will only weaken him so the final cinematic will show how he is defeated with Xal’atath. Plus, I thought people were upset with Dragon Soul because Thrall stole the kill, not because Deathwing got blasted? Well, here’s that potential kill for you. I guess people were lying all these years.

You thought wrong. First off all; People were upset with Kal’El from the start…

Second of all, I know I was upset with Deathwing dying because it sucked the way he died… Plus the tentacle-monster end fight was the biggest :poop: I have ever seen xD


It somewhat made sense with all the void and insanity, but still… that fight after making him land was just whack. Travelling on his back was a good idea, but after that it could’ve just been done better. Especially with this super coincidence with him landing in the maelstrom

According to Wowhead, the Engine of Naka’sha is used to power the Forge of Origination, and that power is focused through the heart of Azeroth to attack N’Zoth. So the Titan facility made to cleanse the world of life is being focused purely on a single creature. I am just glad the Forge, which has been ignored for so long, is actually being used in the game. I know it was used to defeat Lei Shen and his mogu army, but now it’s being used for a more fitting purpose: destroying corruption.

What is it with Blizzard and their obsession for killing expansion villains with energy beams?

Happening once before is not an obsession. The rest tend to die by blade, magic and whatever else players do. Or is that their secret obsession?

Gonna need a list here, I can only think of Sargeras and he just got tractor beam’d, not killed with laz0rs

Deathwing got lazared into tentaform and then killed with the Dragon Souls beam didn’t he?

Then there’s G’huun too. I mean, he’s only a tier end boss, and we only take about half his health with the laser. But he counts as half a point at least.

Deathwing, Sargeras (the beam essentially ended the threat), N’zoth. Archimonde died shortly after the flashy gateway explosion swallowed Gul’dan.

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My mans, Recruit a Friend is now live! So for those with two much money! If you recruit 2 of your accounts for 6 months each, you’ll have the whole set!(including mounts and pets!)

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come get that bread

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Out of those it’s a stretch to count anything but Deathwing and N’zoth.

Archimonde dies because people pummeled him to death, he expands his last bit of energy on yeeting Gul’dan. He doesn’t get killed by some energy beam.
And Sargeras… well, Sargeras didn’t get killed. Hell, he didn’t even get a fight. The closest to it is the Avatar of his you fight in one of the raids, and that one includes no lasers to my knowledge. None aimed at the Avatar, anyway.

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Can’t you simply just buy 2x 6 months of game time on one account?

I don’t like this. If the Forge could be focused on a single creature all along, why didn’t the tol’vir just configure it to evaporate Lei Shen instead of turning all of Uldum into a desert?

On a related note, I honestly can’t fathom why the pandaren didn’t just destroy Lei Shen’s body. They knew the Zandalari would come to resurrect him, and yet were perfectly content to have him lie in a tomb?

This assumes that we’ve known you could do it the entire time, which doesn’t seem to be the case. MOTHER’s broadcast text suggests that you need something to focus that level of power (she refers to “anchors” in her broadcast text, at least).