[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

I don’t even know if its possible to buy 2x gametime on one account🤔

I suppose you could, tho!

They knew he’d be a future loot piñata. They were being thoughtful y’know.

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The quests dealing with Lei Shen’s revival say that the pandaren didn’t know where exactly his tomb was and how to access it.

Tyrande kinda sounds like she’s lost it. Kudos to the VA though, she did a great job of voicing Tyrande’s anger.


Woah! That is pretty amazing!

Your city and your people get burnt to the ground and then your faction leader signs a peace treaty with the people who did it while the woman behind runs free from punishment for the time being. Of course she’d lose it!


yo? Tyrande not sounding like a monotone goon? epic

I guess Blizzard went back on their earlier “the Night Elves have had their revenge” or whatever it was.


Literally nothing Blizzard people tell us matters after they told us BFA wasn’t going to be a repeat of Siege of Orgrimmar and yet here we are.

Fix’d it for you.


It wasn’t a repeat because the Horde came out on top. :clown_face:


Alliance cope lol

New weapon models for the Death Knights. One handed weapon models. It looks like frost is to remain the chopstick spec.

Called it.

What’s up with the reverb on Tyrande’s voice btw? Sounds a bit voidy :slight_smile:

Elune is actually a Void Lord? Nooowaaaaaiii.

B-b-but Velen said it was a Naaru :frowning:

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The future is now, old man!

M’uru chimes hello.

Can’t wait for Alleria to eat Elune like she did L’ura.


She’s strayed from the path of Good King Anduin the Golden of Azeroth, so she’s being punished with throat cancer.


sound of drool hitting the floor