[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)


He’s home

He’s finally home


Bloody hell Baine. What are you doing being seen there.

He’s submitting to his overlord. I told you: Goldenboy is now the High King of Azeroth.

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Surprised he didn’t go dressed up in human clothes to fit in with his new people.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA this is just sad, whats he doing there? I assume its just for a quest?

Being who he always was.

Valeera is coming to tell Anduin that the Blood Elves are rejoining the Alliance, and Baine is swearing the fealty of all the Horde to our Golden Emperor.

Or more likely, it’s some quest where Anduin and Baine and Valeera all say “N’zoth is very bad, therefore the faction war is now over and everything is forgiven until we need forced conflict again”.


Better than forced peace tbh tbh tbh

Both are awful writing.


Yeah that’s kinda implied with using the term ‘forced’ innit

And here I thought they’d hold true to their promise of firing the Bilgewater cannon this expansion. For shaaaaame.


There’s still 8.3.5 lololol yeah sure


I just need to learn that whenever Blizzard say something they’re likely just trolling.

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At this point, maybe this is actually what will save us.

Anduin becomes the God-Emperor of Azeroth and unites all the races under his banner… then, just like the Imperium, all the races start fighting each other anyway while occasionally teaming up to beat up an outside threat.

It’d basically be no change from the current status quo except replacing the 2-faction system with 1 dysfunctional one, which is what should’ve happened after Siege of Orgrimmar anyway.

The most action that cannon has gotten since it was built is the Alliance sabotaging it. Off-screen. During a Mission Table quest.

It’s had less impact on the story than Gamon.

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hard to make promises for a dynamic story that changes constantly based on fan criticism


Don’t worry, it also got repaired off-screen during a mission table quest.

Truly, the height of intrigue and writing.


Afrasiabi said after 8.1 it’d get fired.

The dream: Tyrande infiltrates bilgewater harbour and fires it on a peace meeting between Alliance and Horde at…I dunno, Stromgarde? Lets go with Stromgarde.


Yea, they’ll totally fire it at the prison that held N’zoth, destroying it alongside what remains of N’zoth! :stuck_out_tongue:

The epic back-and-forth struggle of total war.

Please don’t forget what the job requirements for the writing (lead) department at Blizzard is:

  1. 3+ years of triple AAA gaming industry/Hollywood writing experience
  2. A bachelor degree in writing
  3. Atleast 1 shipped AAA title where you participated in

This alone is for the average writer so much of an impossibility and a rarety that I wonder how they can find anyone in the first place. With such a dedication and rarety you WOULD think they would find skilled writers.

And then you look at their writing philosophy that is extremely inconsistent, retcons on every corner and the over all writing in BfA. :frowning:

Just shows that having a high degree doesn’t sadly make up for a lack of talent.

You know… In a better world (of Warcraft)… With a better writing team…

Sylvanas secretly zapped N’zoth of his powers, rendering him useless against our forces. So we “defeat” him and we are all going happy how quickly he was rid off. Magni is like “ok but like… that can’t be it?”.

As suddenly Sylvanas shows up, holds some XYZ deus ex machina item (Maybe something from Helya?) into the air and blasts us back into the shadowrealm. Throwing Azeroth into complete darkness.

“Wait, but we just used our final mega strike against N’zoth… Oh… UH… WELL OPS”.

But we can’t have that, I guess. Set backs for us? The playercharacters / the heroes? Impossible.