[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Her armor looks… odd somehow.

It’s something with the skin of it.

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I still don’t get what you’re trying to say? Garrosh wore sltmog, Sylvanas doesn’t…

Seeing Baine stand next to Anduin in the royal chamber made me laugh. We really are best friends, now.


Tolkien in ten characters.

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I never read any of his work. Only used my own experience here.

We should probably return to the topic now, but if you’re new to the subject and want to see some examples, here is a good place to start.


We’re used to it on hawt elves so it doesn’t make much of an impression to us, but flipping the switch really makes it easy to tell that this is not a ‘savage barbarian’ look.

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It’s odd how Tolkien at once defined elves and yet created an outlier.

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Eldar from 40k wear pretty good Carapace Armour. (Not counting the Dark Eldar)

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I’ve been busy so here’s a doozy of a post!

You’ll be delighted to know that chronicles 3 ends Deathwing’s story with Thrall’s kamehamehaaaa…

WoW is very anime at times, we all know this.

It was always a poorly worded flub that the insufferable Gamers extrapolated into a personal insult.

Fact. United once more, the Horde has the numbers while the Alliance would’ve been lost if Orgrimmar couldn’t be taken from the loyalists. Anduin said so in a cinematic so it’s true.

“Caliphate” is bad for marketing.

VA getting some portugese in there made everyone lose their minds.

Elf guys just need to up their game. 'member Jaina thinking Kael oddly stilted and formal? A vibrant, passionate human lad awakens something in an elf maid’s heart.

When subs run low enough, Player gets an npc elf girl to follow along on adventures, tugging those lonely nerd heartstrings and thus the sub money becomes an investment to play with one’s very own endearing elf.

Warcraft is a product of its time with lots of old, unfortunate tropes that were cool in the 90’s. Didn’t metzen get a wakeup call when his daughter asked why the aspects were wearing bikinis all the time?

I actually fail to see how it addresses the issue with TF.

TF was bemoaned because it created a layer of RNG for the very best items. No direct route, only luck.

So the solution is to introduce items that randomly RNG corrupted? Alrighty then.

Let’s not kid ourselves that an item corrupting is side grading compared to obvious TF upgrade. Look at some of those boosts they offer. So you occasionally get snared, so you occasionally have to dodge something or kill a likely trivial add. Big whoop compared to the benefits. The only thing it does is dissuade heavy corruption stacking as the later punishments are quite impairing (the minus healing one).

So it doesn’t resolve the issue at all, it just stops you dreaming for “TF on every slot” because obviously the brings bad stuff. It’s still massively desirable to have a few corrupted items, and looking at some of those bonuses, it simply transforms it into the benthic RNG. A la “I need to aim for this particular bonus effect because it will make this item a bis”.

I like how it’s less boring than just more ilevel, or a socket (which is just stats) but the crux of the problem has no been addressed. It creates an RNG treadmill. This time it has a lid, sure, but having luck as the sole basis for progression is absolutely crap.

And no, raid drops are not sheer luck because you can target them. You cannot however (from what I see) target corruption. So what you’re gonna end up having is people hoping certain slots that carry less secondaries (if corruption scales with secondaries) corrupt forge with the right boosts.

Yeaaaaah feeling mixed about it.

Edit, just looked it up in detail. Okay so it’s now three RNG rolls. Yay!

Roll 1: does it corruptforge
Roll 2: how much corruption does it give you, lower tiers equal less corruption less benefit, higher is converse.
Roll 3: what positive benefits it actually grants.

Looking at some of these they are WAY more desirable than a socket. Up to 7% increased critical damage?! 6% more healing taken? A chance to proc an effect that causes your next few ability uses to cool down much quicker? Some however do seem a bit weaker. 4% more versatility from all sources isn’t exactly uber strong. Slightly more or less than a gem worth of the secondary, of course if we get new gems this patch then the effect is mitigated further unless secondary ratings are jumping up big time with ilevel. I’m assuming they don’t stack (if they do, they’re then probably alright for certain secondaries where its easy to get a lot of it, like haste and crit).

But yeah, this is benthic but without the “restricted to EP” defence. Unless they’ve failed to mention corrupted items only work in Nya. Unclear whether Wrathions cloak works against this corruption or not (if it does, then it makes the problem far worse by mitigating the negative consequences of stacking these items).

Wrathion’s cloak is Sanity, not Corruption. Two entirely separate systems.

The new essence does reduce corruption, though.

Thank god for that. I’d glanced over the article but only sparingly (the Wrathion one) so couldn’t remember the name of the thing it combats.

The best part of SWTOR. I can dig it.

They can still give us 2h frost so I wouldn’t count it out just yet.

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I know, right? Tolkien avoided many cliches that have plagued elves in fantasy works written after him. The Silmarillion almost reads like a deconstruction of the common fantasy elf archetype, and it was written before that was even a thing!

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Fëanor did nothing wrong.


It’s about simplification and archetype.

Tolkien’s Elves are “Humans, but more”, that means they’re better than humans at everything, but they also have all of humanity’s negative traits ramped up to eleven as well. Hence their emotional volatility, pettiness, greed, etc.

Of course, a lot of the Elves in Middle-Earth by the time of Lord of the Rings are so ancient that they’ve sort of grown numb to it in order to stay sane/alive, sort of like Star Trek’s Vulcans. If that’s all you see of Elves - ignoring the Silmarillion which Tolkien didn’t even get to release, and the Hobbit which depicts the Mirkwood Elves as total jerks - it’s easy to mistake “Humans, but more” for “Humans, but better”.

Fëanor pretty explicitly did everything wrong.

Of course, that’s the point. He’s the greatest of the Elves - and so his flaws, especially his hubris, are greater than any other’s. In a way his flaws are worse even than those of Morgoth and Sauron themselves.

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what you say is real and I respect it cause you tell it

Check out Malazan, the species of “elves” there are tribal “wood elves” who’s entire identity revolves around a lie and an ancient betrayal. Most of their society doesn’t know the truth and they end up going full imperialistic. The “dark elves” are dying out and the closest thing to “good” guys, they fly around in a giant sky fortress. And the “high elves”, are some crazy light fanatics trying to invade different realms. They’re a nice spin.

OK. Fingolfin.

Thanks brah.