[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

People actually read the silmarillion? I thought they just bought it and said they did for nerd cred.

Huh. The more you know.


I read it all the way through exactly once.

I tried to do it again some years ago and didn’t even get to the Elves waking up before my 12 hour flight to the United States was already over.

real nerds read The Complete History of Middle-Earth :sunglasses:


REAL real nerds read the Norse sagas and Finnish epic poems Tolkien used for inspiration.

Real Real Real nerds die of malnutrition playing a 7 day long DnD game in barry’s basement.

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I haven’t, because I really don’t like Christopher Tolkien as a person. But I’m studying Sindarin, does that count?

To be quite honest, TES has one of my favourite takes on elves.

You: Khajiit are furries
Me, an intellectual: Azura was :poop:posting at Y’ffre while he was teaching the bosmer the tenets of the Green Pact and some rebel bosmer were like lmao Azura has the best memes and decided to listen to her instead and then Azura was like hey wanna come over to my place after school to play on my ps2 and then the khajiit were like right on but instead Azura punked them for skipping out on school and cursed them into khajiit

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Wait. What. The Freck?
Khajiit are Bosmer? Wtf?

they were elves once
taken by the twilit powers
twisted and now… perfected
my fighting senche-raht


Kind of but not really. Rumour has it that they might have derived from the proto-bosmer during the time when Y’ffre was teaching them the tenets of the Green Pact to stop them from shapeshifting all the time, and Azura might have tricked one group of them to turn away from Y’ffre and in doing so cursed them.

Khajiit biology is tied to the phases of the three moons, and two configurations spawns the Ohmes and Ohmes-Raht khajiit who look like bosmer with lowkey feline features.


Everything in TES is an Elf.

If you thought it wasn’t an elf, it’s an elf.


thanks I hate it


Ohhyea I heard about that! DIdn’t think to much about those tho! D:

Even the Dwarves are Elves! D:

They are, yes!

I knew about the khajiit formerly being elves rumour too.

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But they’re also not dwarves. Dwemer were colloquially called dwarves because the Giants of Skyrim saw them as small people. They call everyone else dwarves too, but somehow the name stuck with dwemer in colloquial speech.

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There aren’t any other dwarves in ES though, are there?

There are not. And dwemer are not dwarves. They’re not even dwarf-inspired. They’re more steampunk Sumerians.

The closest race to being “dwarves” are the bosmer. They’re a very short race of elves.

But they are dwarves, because that’s what the creators of ES labelled them as.

In exactly the same vein how the wyverns in wow are manticore in other fantasy universes and the wendigo is a yeti.

Oh and how the dragons in Asoiaf are drakes in everything else.

It’s more like if calling wyverns in wow was an in-universe mistake, and that they were factually called manticores in the setting. Same with the other examples.

Dwemer are explicitly not dwarves. The moniker is a mistake because it’s just what the giants called shorter races, and the dwemer were the first race they came in touch with. The giants call everyone else dwarves too.

wait wtf there’s three moons to tamriel?