[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Dunmer best elves.

Hlaalu and Bretons bring prosperity everywhere they go. Everything they touch turns to gold.

I would like to see a trade union between the Merchant Knights of High Rock and House Hlaalu :handshake:

I’m glad we agree! I actually quoted your post in the last reply before you maybe secretly changed it to “breton are the best elves” and therefore I’d have proof of why i murdered you.

EDIT: justifiably i mean, but since we don’t have to fight because we agree its all good in this hood.

Speaking of bretons I got a hot WIP of a commission of mine

Bretons are lukewarm at best.


To be fair, thats the problem with most “WoW-Killer MMO’s”. They all have a rocky tart because most WoW fans like to forget that WoW has a rocky start with every damn expansion.

I mean I love WoW for all it is, but its failing alot lately on all fronts for me… Hence why my interest in ESO started to increase! It sounds fun! It sounds true to its lore! It sounds like a real Elder Scrolls game, but then online!

And like you said; the World-building, the side-character, and I assume the main-characters actually stay true to their characters! which is always a big plus for me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Fair enough; but it would just feel weird to play TES:4 without playing 3 or 5 without playing 4, etc! D: I really like to follow the chronocle order, if such is possible with TES-games and lore :stuck_out_tongue:

I JUST WANT THE DAMN PVP GEAR TO BE BUYABLE FOR X Seasons! I mean damnit, PvP crowd is catered to way to much already with their nice 2 recolors for BGs and Arena’s… And their special HD mounts. Just give me, as a non-pvper(because I damn suck at pvp) the same amount of :poop: to! I want the damn Warsabers, but without the damn Alliance flag in my face! D:< I want the red Darkshore Armor without having to murder my way through a BG because I am unable to compete with those other no-lifers! D:<

This might be a standard answer; but I love the nords and the Orcs because basic Barbarian race… Also since TES:5 was the first game I played I fell in love with the damn Companions and I love the lore surrounding Ysgramor, and his two sons! Love the High Elves, to tho! D:

I have no idea what’cha talking 'bout, nerd! D:<

Is that a; “use your powers of the blizzard shill to post it in the arts thread Cro” I’m hearing?

or are you just taunting the whole thread?

Quick, Telaryn, I’ll hit him over the head with a rock and you stab him!


Oke seems I don’t even count while I love TES lore because I know next to nothing about it </3

It is, once it’s finished. Lacking some final polish before I’m posting it.

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Share it once its done! I’d love to see it! :smiley:

Then play ESO (set 800 years before Morrowind), then Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. Blades isn’t out yet (at least, I don’t think it is) but it’s set between Oblivion and Skyrim.
Edit: Apparently Blades is out, it’s just early access or something on mobile only.

You can stab him in the back after I’ve hit him with the rock.

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Breton feudal hierarchy isn’t really that rigid. They’re really meritocratic, and they award knighthoods for great deeds, which is why adventure is a cornerstone of their culture. But so is trade. Wayrest, the current capital of High Rock as of ESO was founded to be the most ideal trading location along the Iliac Bay and its rulers have since its inception had close ties to the merchant class.

So how do we reward citizens who achieve great civil deeds? They get awarded Merchant Knighthoods.

Second, the bestowal of a knighthood on a lower-class man or woman is a convenient way to reward outstanding contributions to society (or to the elevating lord), and confers a measure of that nobility so prized in Breton society. Where the commoner is rewarded for achievements other than in conflict—and this is the case in the majority of knighthoods—the membership in the local knightly order is only nominal, and the new sir or dame is not expected to take up sword and shield. However, if their achievements were in the all-important realm of trade, the new “merchant knight” is expected to contribute heavily and regularly to the order’s financial maintenance.

So if you’re visiting Wayrest or Evermore on a mission of diplomacy or trade, don’t be surprised if the head of a shipping company is introduced as Sir Doric, or the owner of a string of hostels is called Dame Lizabette. You’re simply meeting one of the fabled Breton Knights of High Rock.


Secondly, House Hlaalu is one of the five Great Houses of Dunmer. They’re the merchant house and their values are largely very similar to bretons. Silver-tongued politicians and merchants with a penchant for slyness and subterfuge.

House Hlaalu and breton Merchant Knights would therefore make great allies if they weren’t currently at war with one another.

This reminds me that I hope we get Skywind at some point.

Especially since they’ve started releasing Skyblivion, in parts.

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After all this time?

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Yes, yes they have, the released the town that’s the furthest north whose name now escapes me. But I haven’t cruised the YT channel in a while so I don’t know where they’re at now.

Mate, get up to speed! I’m already level 48/50 on Blades! Also maxed out most of my “city/village” !

Also yea, TES:B is only available on Mobile since its a mobile-game, but unlike Blizztard, Bethesda didn’t ask players if they have a damn phone to play a game, no one expected to, on! Hence why it never amounted to the same :poop:storm the new Diablo amounted to! :smiley:

Also why the freck does TES(O) lore always sounds so damn more interesting then WoW? WoW ruined having more thne 4 playable Elves races, while in TES they have more Elf-races then Bears and yet they still all make them damn interesting! and even make the damn difference between orders with the “same goal” like merchant-Knights and Merchant-House! D:<

I have to admit the main reason I never finished Skyrim? Mods. I always kod the game to dead. I once had it at a stage I wanted it, yet I kept on modding it until It totally ruined the damn game and I stopped again. I was so damn far in, one single mod ruined everything then I had to start over and I lost the damn interest again and then I resubbed to damn WoW again, its like switching between two drugs! D:<

That’s half the fun though, I USED to mod Skyrim to death, restart and do it all again.

Until stupid Nexus changed its mod manager to Vortex that only works when it feels like it.

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Its nothing fun for me, tho… I never defeated the Empire nor the Stormcloaks. I never downed Alduin nor finished his High-Dragon-priest. I never got my damn family with Aela or defeated Harkon! D:< Its pissing me off endlessly but I just cannot stop modding Skyrim! And therefor I say; feck the mods!(with exception of the Bandolier, Cloaks and most armor/weapon, and the actual lore-friendly places like bruma mods! D:<)

You can still download the NMM instead of Vortex. Hell I never stopped using NMM. You just have to dig for NMM instead of Vortex, but NMM is still a downloader in use, and its been keeped alive by its fans! :smiley:
(I think Vortex sucks to compared to NMM, hence why I spitted through the damn google pages for it, but its download able on Skyrim Nexus mod pages! :stuck_out_tongue:)

When i tried to use NMM, it just kept saying it couldn’t connect to the website, it practically forced me to use Vortex.

Then do it without!

While I mod my game to death and back, there’s only a few mods that I NEED.

Which are;

Darker Nights
both the lantern mods (one that gives you a portable hand lantern and the other puts lanterns around the roads)
both cloak mods
the keybind mod
harder dragons
the infinite enchant mod
and one of the perk tree mods
Nighteye mod

That’s not including all the mods that have to fix the game.

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Also I need anything that allows me to destroy or become a friendly thieves guild… Sorry D: Also I need to destroy the Dark Brotherhood! Or join the Thalmor on my… Thalmor! :stuck_out_tongue:

Also lets not the forget Main cities inthe same world space as the rest of the world; and the gladiators in Windhelm, etc! D:

Better looking races
“Better males” “Better females” “Khajiit” and “Argonians” to! D:
Eye colors, hair, etc to! D:

Also lets not forget the Skyrforged weapons, also make me work to become a member of the companions, circle or harbinger… Better Vampires, better vampire lords, and better werewolves! Also Parthurnax dilemma! HD Dragons, etc! D:

BACKPACKS! HD ARMORS AND WEAPONS! ORCS AND ORCISH ARMORD AND WEAPONS! HD FALMER(Who alongside the Dwarves dwell underground for the one who ploclaimed the Dwemer where the only one dwelling underground?)

I don’t know

I have a moddiction! Please send help! D: