[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

As slaves, also, it wasn’t their choice to move underground, they just got driven there by the encroaching Nords.

Hush! The Nords were in their right to conquer and drive out any and all Elves after what they did to them at Saarthal! D:<

The Nord’s stupidity knows no bounds that I’d be quite happy if they got wiped off the face of Tamriel.

Skyrim did not paint them in a good light.

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I am no Lorebuff, like you and Telaryn(sorry Tely, I had to scroll back to have your lesser name correct ;-; )

But damn did I just see you defend the massacre of the Nords and their cities? Because had the Nords stayed at their current homeland, they would’ve all frozen to death… Like no shizzle… But Atmora is a frozen, damn, wastelands, thus going to Skyrim was their only damn chance, which the Elves ruined for them the first time, then they forced it the second time with Ysgramor? (THIS IS WHAT I GOT FROM SKYRIM PLEASE DON’T HIT ME I STILL LIKE MOST OF THE PEOPLE ON THIS FORUMS! <3)

No, I didn’t defend that in particular. Or rather, it was not my intent.

i was more going for the Stormcloaks stance in Skyrim vs. the Imperials and how it was utterly stupid.

EDIT: Therefore I’d quite be happy after that debucle to just nuke Skyrim off the map.

EDIT2: I don’t know how my edit ended up in the middle of my post.

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Mede did nothing wrong, Ulfric’s a Thalmor asset.



First of all I did not know you meant to point out the Stormcloak rebellion; for me its a starting point in TES-Lore thus its the most obvious one when one points to Skyrim-history! D:<

I ain’t no lore-buff liek you or Telaryn! D:<

Also I know the Stormcloaks went against the combined power of Humans vs Elves… But I cannot deny I felt alot of sympathy for their cause that they’re cause make me want to play Skyrim! (Yes I know that a combined Skyrim and in return an combined HUMAN Empire makes them alot more stronger… But still the Nords rebellion is a just cause!)

All it does is help the Thalmor.

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Its not though? All they had to do was keep their mouthes shut about their talos worship.

The Empire didn’t care, hell, the Empire was cool with it.

When the Thalmor were like; “what’s this about talos worship?” The nords should’ve been like, “I don’t know what you’re talking about” so they could carry on as usual.


Mede specifically chose not to enforce the law, leaving it up to the Thalmor to do that. And the Thalmor weren’t enforcing it until Ulfric & Co. started to make up noise about it, at which point they finally began to stomp down on it.

And there’s correspondence between Ulfric and the Thalmor leader at the Thalmor Embassy. The Thalmor’s goal is to stall the Empire while they rebuild their army by funding Ulfric’s Stormcloaks.

The Empire destroyed the Dominion’s army at the Battle of Red Ring, but the Dominion took out the imperial infrastructure down with them in their scorched earth campaign. The Nords wanted Mede to finish the fight, but for such a warrior people they fail to understand the core concept of warfare – an army marches on its stomach. No infrastructure, no food, the army won’t be fed. Then again nobody has ever blamed the nords of being intelligent.

Mede spent the last 25 years rebuilding the infrastructure while the Dominion didn’t have a standing army and he was ready for a round 2 to destroy the Dominion once and for all until Ulfric made a huge deal about the Talos ban that wasn’t being enforced in the first place and started a civil war to divide the Empire’s resources.

Then again Ulfric was captured by Thalmor during the Great War and subjected to brainwashing and torture, so it’s not really a wonder that he’s a bonafide Thalmor asset through and through.


I’d upvote you more than once if i could.


And the Empire; like every self-respecting Empire should’ve met its demise fighting for its belief… Not that anyone expected something of the bandit-Emperor of Tamriel. He had no honor to begin with anyway.

No hate to you, Co… But damn… If you truly belief one of your own ascended to godhood. woudl you keep your jab about it? I most certainly would not and I would let the damn lesser Elves/races/humans know about it every damn step of the way until (s)he striked them down, for their insolence! D:<

For Elune’s sake Telaryn stop revealing this shizzle to me after I wrote my post… Damn! D:<

(Also 4th(?) time I catch you rewriting you own post! <3)

Fine, let me then! I proclaim Telaryn the TES-Loremaster of the WoW-Forums! D:<

I knew the lore was more complicated than my post, I just wanted to basic it to get my point across.

You know what the Thalmor would’ve done after they rolled the Imperials over? oh look, march north and roll the Nords over.

The Stormcloaks just HAD to keep it to themselves, Ulfric did NOT need to be; “what’s this about me not being allowed to worship talos? I’m going to go kill high king Torygg”

EDIT: “because I’m an idiot and a Thalmor asset”

Wtf, I came here expecting discussion regarding 8.3. Go make your own thread for TES lore talks ffs.


Which is obviously harder to know without a meta-lore POV like us. I feel Ulfrics cause is just because he feels like an actual Human being to me! He puts his heart and soul into the Nord people for me! Unlike Tullius, who just felt like the puppet of a puppet, who never even had seen Skyrim up close, for me! D:<

And why should some distant Emperor rule over lands (s)He never seen up close anyways?

Also a war criminal after that whole Markath Incident.

For Moridunum:

The Reachmen conquered the Reach and most notably the city of Markarth during the Great War when the imperial legions were being recalled to defend the Imperial City during the Dominion’s siege.

Turns out the Reachmen were particularly good administrators and their reign was more prosperous and peaceful than the previous Jarl’s to the point that after the war the Empire considered recognizing the Reach as a kingdom independent of Skyrim (but still part of the Empire).

The ousted Jarl of course didn’t like that, so he called up Ulfric. Said he’d allow Talos worship in the Reach if he helped him take back his hold. Ulfric did that and then some.

Ulfric slaughtered everyone – including civilians like elders, women, shopkeepers, even children – who did not fight to depose the Reachmen from within when he was sieging the city. If you did not swear complete allegiance to Ulfric the moment he showed up, you were his enemy and he massacred them after surrender. Those who survived the massacre fled, becoming the Forsworn, and that’s why you have that whole big Forsworn problem in Skyrim too.

Basically Ulfric’s responsible for everything going to :poop: in Skyrim.

Edit: there’s one account that contradicts this, claiming that the previous Jarl was the one who committed the atrocity, but his account is also contradicted by a lot of other first hand witnesses.

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Also, also, Ulfric’s a huge racist.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work that out, just walk around the Grey Quarter in Windhelm.

“Skyrim belongs to the Nords” literally means, “everybody else is a second class citizen”

tf? No… We kinda need a place to talk about lore… And 8.3 is pretty much guessed already. Might aswell bother you simpletons with some interesting lore anyways.

Atleast with some lore that makes races interesting instead of “generic-Anduin-Race-#1” or Generic-Anduin-Race-#2", etc… Or do you think its cool a Light-infused being like Anduin is okay with “Void-Infused-Being-#11” infusing Void into whatever because his holy-bones said Void is actually better then Fel? or Timetravel? Or breaking his bones???

For freck sake, Telaryn, stop ruining Ulfric for me! Now I can never play the Stormcloak faction ever again! It was the only faction I tried in my damn 2 TES:5 Playthrough! D:<

Damnyou! You must clearly be a Thalmor Agent! D:<

That’s the whole point, we are here to educate you on why picking Stormcloak is an idiot move.

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It gets worse.

After the imperial legions arrived to remove Ulfric from Markarth after the incident, Ulfric refused to stand down and kept executing people Markarth by the day until the Empire agreed to restore Talos worship. They agreed to jeopardize the White-Gold Concordat just to stop Ulfric’s stunt as a violent tyrant.

Eventually even the old Jarl turned on Ulfric and helped the Empire depose him and he was arrested. When they saw the amount of damage he had caused, they decided he’s not worth risking peace over and stuck to the Concordat (but still didn’t enforce it).

Siding with Ulfric is not fighting for freedom. It’s propping up a bloodthirsty warlord as a tyrant.