[Spoilers] The big hint at the end of the "Return to Lordaeron" questline

Another elephant in the Calia-room is the Naaru thing. It might be a dropped plotline at this point (who can say, after the last years at Blizz?), but Calia’s ressurection was very closely tied to the Naaru. Dreams she discussed with Saa’ra were what inspired her to do what led to her death, and Saa’ra was also who essentially pushed Anduin and Faol into raising her as an undead. If there is any Naaru plotting going on at all, well… Calia most certainly is a move made by the Naaru in that game.
Now, I guess that could have been benevolent plotting by a benevolent Naaru, but so shortly after Legion that’s not exactly what the Light foreshadowing was painting towards.

At this point I don’t think it unlikely that that plotline was cut, and what they did instead was really just trying to tie up loose ends in the Forsaken plot… But if it wasn’t, well, we might be in for additional problems.

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It’s not forced but it is rushed. I can buy that she would eventually become a forsaken, but there are many layers to the being a forsaken or an undead and Calia barely scratches any of them. The forsaken are seen as monsters by the living and are shunned for what they are, Calia is shunned for who she is and not what she is. Speaking of what she is, we don’t really know or understand what exactly she is, with the regular undead we know that they have missing emotions (in some cases memories) and have murderous tendencies that they have to keep in check, whit Calia we have non of those. We do not really know what her struggle is besides not knowing where she belongs or what her purpose is.

On a basic level, she is not a bad character but her development is certainly rushed and we should have gotten more questlines with her that would help us understand how she belongs with the forsaken. What we got is essentially a bleeding hearth story where she wants to help them because she is a Menethil. Would she have done so if she was a Proudmore or a Wrynn?


In isolation it’s not a terrible story, for the character specifically. It falls apart, because of all the stuff around it. Sylvanas got butchered over the course of two expansions and three books, while the Forsaken are being contorted into something that’s a wholesale departure from what attracted people to them, in order to make room for her. However that has been a trend as early as the Sunwell Plateu, with the Blood Elves’ ultimate solution being “Be more like the Aliance!”…

Not sure if you’re talking about thet friend in Arathi or Voss. The latter has over the course of BfA become more of a mouthpiece for the devs than anything else. Calia giving something lipservice is fine, but we need to see a real pushback to the idea of having anything to do with another Menethil. Let alone a creature of the Light, who is drastically different, on a fundamental level. If anything the recent storyline is a testament to them trying to ignore that particular elephant in the room.

She totally does. She was send by Anduin to undermine the Horde war efforts. Literally her first action on the council is to trying to make Forsaken forces get out of Gilneas. A place that has been rightfully conquered by the Horde during the last war. Because ALL of Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. She is an alliance spy. That much is obvious.

They need to return to Kezan. Azshara is not worth the struggle. With Kezan and the lost isles we have two possible places of where the Goblins could live. That is much better then Gilneas being returned to the Worgen.


Oh is that how it works? Then should I be expecting the deed to Orgrimmar since we conquered that place ages ago.

Also you didn’t conquer it you just accepted the people living there into your faction.

Gilneas belongs to the Horde. That is not up for debate. Go back to Stormwind where you belong together with your lunatic craven called Ivar.

Ok sure, give us Orgrimmar then since we conquered it.

Shut up alliance scum. Your opinion doesn’t matter. This is a Horde world. You ae just living in it.

Oh again with the cringe RP. So sad that you cannot play by your own rules. So tell me, have you googled the lore of the 1st and 2nd war yet or are we still clueless ?

I fight for the Horde. And I will not stop until the Horde council is finally dead.

Yes yes we got that already. Can you answer the question or are we going to be repeating the only 3 catchphrases we google translated into english?

And I would be taking the silence as a no, you don’t know the lore. So I will ask you another question, how are you to be making lore videos, because that is what I assume your channel is about, when you have no idea what the lore actually is?

I kinda wish we could live in a world in which people would actually tell what is their problem so we could find out what is his problem. I start to think his harted is more of a personal grudge and it has some deeper meaning, or he just got life issues and can’t cope with them.

We used to have a phrase for that, it was called small pp complex.

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They did but in Gnomeregan style
read what the MOTHERLODE!! is

Was it ? Besides Ruins of Lordearon was also conquered by Allies so wrong argument i am afraid. Try to use diffrent ones

Since when ? I am still able to log in, if it was i would be denied. and yet it’s not

I still think it’s something more complicated. Maybe someday he will tell on that YT chanel

And hopefully by then he will have passed that 30 subscriber mark. When people said yYT was grind they weren’t kidding.

Well, they’ve just started the whole cosmic stuff. I’m sure they will be a point where the whole Light related stuff will come together. Xe’ra destroyed, Saa’ra reborn, Calia lightforged, the Lightforged Draenei, side by side with Void Elves, Yrel expanding the Lightforged Empire in AU Draenor, a Sunwell flooded with Light, Alleria… they did a lot of groundwork for coming conflicts, especially for Light and Void.
But we’ve seen that every type of magic can be wielded against its own cosmic force (Illidan vs Demons, the Deathknights vs the Undead, the Void Elves vs. Etherals) - so I don’t think they will just drop Calia as a Light controlled fanatic after introducing her so carefully.

I understand what you mean, but I still disagree that it is “rushed”. Nobody says “You are now universally accepted by all the Forsaken!” On the contrary, the other council members are protesting in the beginning and decide to give her a chance after she helped retrieving the plague sample. Calia has now reached a point, where she is tolerated and treated with respect - for a reason: She aided them in their transition, when Sylvanas abandoned them, she went on diplomatic missions and refused Lilians pleas to lead them.
Regarding “What it means to be forsaken”, there is not much to say. In Vanilla, they were a remainder of the Scourge with undead Lordaeroners, Banshees, Dark Rangers, Abominations and so on. United to take vengeance, but then, just like a Horde under Thrall, Outsiders protecting each other. After a while, Sylvanas started to see them as arrows in her quiver.
The whole Desolate Council story in the novel was about the Forsaken who tried to establish their own identity beyond Sylvanas - with some of them looking at their past.
Which was as tragic as it was refreshing, suddenly the Forsaken were more than just the edgy looking Zombie faction.

Calia may have been resurrected by the Light - but they still have much in common.
The Scourge destroyed their homes and lives, killed their families.
They ran from their past, until they decided to face it. Now they’re looking for a place to fit in and risk their “lives” for it. That’s as true for Calia as it is for Lilian, Faol or any other Forsaken. Just as Lilian says in the video, “They are all the same.”

Since the Proudmoores and the Wrynns didn’t rule in Lordaeron and none of their childred destroyed the Kingdom - probably not. That’s ONE pillar of her character development and motivation. These people were trusting HER family and it was a member of HER family that brought ruin to them. So HER family has to fix it and take responsibility.

Which was? Sylvanas was always the center, different from that, they got the gnome treatment of being ignored and we barely knew anything about them as a society.

There are two council members who spoke out against her and she had her prove herself. That said - after Sylvanas’ departure, you really think they Forsaken will start a riot when someone offers help for free? As I said, this is just the beginning of her story.

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And that is why it’s rushed. We should have gotten a lot more of that over time before she became a member of the council. We should have seen her be shunned a lot more by the Forsaken for being a Menethil and/or being a Lightforged. Right now it feels like the end of GoT where Greyworm tells Tyrion to shut up and then lets him do a big speach on who should be the next king.

That’s my entire point. She is only doing this because she is a Menethil, which on itself is good character motivation, however in this case it is not enough for her to be counted among the Forsaken as their whole fantasy revolves around other stuff which are not present in Calia’s story. That’s why people are skeptical about her becoming a forsaken, she does not share any of their struggles.

We should have had more time developing Calia and building that cultural connection to the Forsaken (not Lordaeron, the Forsaken themselves) and having her earn that spot.


your right shes not forsaken shes double forsaken once by the light and again by the forsaken players :stuck_out_tongue: so shes more forsaken then you :stuck_out_tongue:

I want the Undermine. The true capital of all Goblins. Not that crap stain Bilgewater. That city is trash.

Alliance didn’t conquer anything. They retreated and dunked on the Zandalari.

Because I say so. Get out of MY world.

My problem is that traitors like Saurfang, Baine and Thrall sided with the alliance instead of helping Sylvanas to kill them all for good. I want the alliance deleted from the game. And I will not stop until I get what I want. Understood?

The Forsaken community stand united against Calia. We don’t want her. She needs to go back to the alliance where she belongs.

And she will be again in that position once she returns from the Maw. Then we kill the Horde council and make the faction great again. Without Weaklings who always defect to the alliance and steal the Horde of their earned victory.

Danerys will be resurrected and kill all those who apposed her. Westeros will burn and from the Ashes a new kingdom will rise.

Lmao no.