Stealthing past 30 mobs into a building to kill a quest mob… Suddenly a whole army of the enemy faction is running into the building to kill me… I wonder how they knew i was in there? This addon is complete BS and takes away all the fun from world pvp, It’s basically npc scan but for enemy players
Any kill team worth their salt would have had a hunter with them tracking stealth or humanoids and would have noticed you anyway.
Tracking stealth is the same effect as detect greater invisibility buff warlock has; so no a hunter could not see him
Except now you don’t need a hunter to track humanoids, What’s the point of that when you can just download an addon that even makes a sound when there’s someone with a loaded model in range
Yes, in a 360 degree radius. Without any specific location.
And it doesn’t let you target players in stealth.
So they either saw you go in before you stealthed, saw some mob corpses (if you’d killed any nearby), or Spy told them you were somewhere nearby. And then they guessed you were inside the house.
Or they were running in there anyway and you were just unlucky enough to be there.
Point being, you don’t know if they were using Spy (though let’s be honest, they probably were), you’re just assuming that was the only reason they found you.
Yeah and even someone who has never played the game could assume the same thing, because the logic of the game is pretty simple.
I obviously wasn’t in stealth when they found me, I meant that i stealthed past everything outside of the house so there is no way a legit player would even bother running in there to check if someone was there when every mob is still alive
You are basically justifying the addon saying that it’s okay that everyone can see you because that ONE tryhard team with a hunter would’ve found you anyway?
No, that was the dwarf.
Based on you not having killed anything outside?
Like I said, they could have seen you before you went in, heard the fighting from outside, or even seen you from outside (depending on the house), gone in to look for players to gank, or yes, had a hunter that tracked you.
2 story house with no openings, I was just standing there preparing to fight so no fighting sounds that could be heard, No regular person would run past 20 mobs to see if someone is standing in an enclosed area behind all of them
Before going in i stealthed halfway across the zone as at this point you basically have to resort to perma stealth so there is no way they saw me heading that way and there was no hunter in the group
But the whole addon doesn’t revolve around this one scenario does it? same point can be made in literally any building, Fighting in the middle of the woods/mountains and someone runs by on the MAIN ROAD but gets a notification someone’s nearby so they target them and start running around
Every single player should not have access to something that is just as good as humanoid tracking and has sounds
Like I said, they probably used Spy, but as you say:
No, it doesn’t (and that is a very specific did-everything-to-avoid-getting-ganked-so-there’s-no-possible-way-they-could-have-seen-me scenario). And everyone agrees that Spy does give players an easier way to find players from the other faction. What we don’t agree with is that it’s gamebreaking or gamechanging, because literally everything it does can be done without it. It just simplifies the process.
Humanoid tracking is much better, btw, because it gives you the exact locations. It’s still my main way of finding people. It’s also available to druids.
Edit: Small correction: You can’t get sound alerts without it.
Dude, do some research and try updating the Addon. It does
Point is, that’s a long time to establish if something is game breaking. It hasn’t.
Yeah it is, so accept the majority opinion as we’ve had plenty of time to establish it.
If it was ‘game breaking’ no one would wpvp.
Terms like “game breaking” are just bad. It will always devolve into a discussion that is really about differences in how people define “game breaking”.
Spy is just powerful, incredibly powerful. It is in the same category as the old Decursive and the old Healbot. That kind of fits since Vanilla did really have these ridiculously powerful addons that you would be crazy to not use yourself.
Let’s call it ‘game changing’ then.
Feel free to share the results of the census you took to determine that.
Or are you just basing that assumption on the vocal minority on these forums?
I must agree with the OP here. Nobody likes being ganked, but this addon just cheats on it…
Just here to add my opinion for what is worth: this addon is best removed and forgotten.
Why giving classes tracking abilities if everyone can track everything with an addon?