It’s a badly designed way to do AoE that should be changed or talents that would offer a compelling alternative should be buffed.
Fair point. Agree 100% WW needs some love. But… i will requote myself:
I never actually agreed with OP on anything specific, just stated that blizzard has done significantly better and there are design and tuning issues that should be addressed when it comes to how certain specs deal AoE damage.
You sir are 100% correct there. Arms warrior, a spec I love definitively needs some love in this department.
And RShaman could use some uncapped AoE damage. That would be nice as well.
I mean I don’t think anyone can argue that Blizzard doesn’t know how to tune classes, somehow they always miss the mark and either gut classes or barely make a dent in their performance, Shadowlands season 4 was a good example, Warlock and Hunter was beyond broken compared to most other classes and even with nerfs it made 0 difference.
I’m unsure why they do not just aura nerf the classes by x% till they are closer to others.
It’s the laziest but also the most effective way to make sure classes perform more in tune with others without screwing up specific builds or playstyles.
Nerfing abilities one by one is such a aimless nerf you wonder where they get it from.
Destruction warlock feels just horrible to play. They do way too little damage compared to other classes in all mythic + range. Low keys, mid, high.
Frankly, idc about the previous patch, sp got gutted because of augmentation and because the dungeons were designed in favor of priest utility. Mass dispell, soothe etc.
Now, people are rocking with 2dh, Aug, etc. It’s not that far from prev season, and just because it’s a bit better, it doesn’t mean it’s good. I understand, as resto this season feels good, with actually your utility (interrupts), etc. Don’t get me wrong, I like resto too and learning to play… but play some DPS classes and you will see what I’m talking about. My husband plays arcane pretty well and he gets frustrated bested by monkey class like dh or demo too (I know destro I also easy rotation, but it does 0dps…)
Destro vs demo on 5 dummies will sim -150k DPS without PI/BL.
Did you consider you can sim? And not just st, st most of the classes aren’t that bad as the gap in m+
I am much less concerned about pure dps classes. The MINIMUM is that at-least 1 of your specs is good. ALL of your specs? Thats a bit utopic.
Demo is doing massive damage as you say. Bit sad for destro though.
But to give a bit of context: As a healer, if RShaman is not balanced with the other healers, I only have 1 option: Reroll. I cant re-spec. So its much more important to balance out classes that have less options. If you get what I mean.
2dh? Thats a mistake. It can be done at lower keys because anything goes at lower keys.
But the pros, they are replacing DH tank with Prot Pala just so that they don’t go double DH.
Blizzard cant fix idiots unfortunately.
But still: TLDR message #5345930548 : Aug is the one getting away with murder. Forget DH and BM. THEY are the ones that need deleting.
The annoying part is… People think that all locks should just be okay with demo. But heck, I hate demo? I really hate it, don’t like the gameplay, neither in st or aoe. Just not my cup of tea. Affliction would be better, but oh, they are both bad… I don’t like demo so much, that I started to main healers this season.
If 2 specs of mages would be unplayable we would see the topic about it every hour and blizzard would fix them in a day
Same as I don’t like disc and playing holy, but holy is more playable than my fav spec. Resto feels better than holy too
People are idiots. I never claimed that you should be OK with it. But you do play warlock to begin with. So you should feel attached to warlock fluff. If you liked to just hurl massive balls of fire then Mage works too.
Given that, at-least you have the option staying with the class you like the fluff of, and going Demo. As with your Priest. You have the option of going DPriest.
And to be honest, both Destro and Holy are more than capable of doing high end content. Outside what the pros do.
Other classes (all healers except priest, palas, ect…) are not as lucky.
Yeah, I understand, I just can’t get into demo, and I don’t really like the fantasy of it much. Tried fire mage at some point, i think I need drugs for playing fire, while frost felt good, but something is not right there (and my husband play mage, so one mage per family)) I liked SP too, since it’s similar to affliction. But well, it’s complicated
I enjoy healing now but I am sad about lock… In premades they can get better, but not as good as demo. (I also think it’s pretty unfair how blizzard looks at logs or whatever they are looking at, m+ is more complicated than raid, also if you not using all party buffs, PI, the outcome will be different too).
Agree with this 100%.
I don’t find them binary. Ret has a lot of cleave potential even in full ST build, and you can switch a talent here and there for a bit more cleave or occasional burst AOE. I did DHT last night with 3 rets and one of them only realised he was still in ST spec from raid when we got to the first boss. He was going to go out and change, but we told him not to bother because his AOE was still decent and the extra boss damage was nice to have. They were similarly geared and ended up with similar overall dps at the end of the run.
They do it because aura nerfs don’t have the same effect on AOE and ST performance. An aura nerf to a class that’s overperforming in M+ could make it trash tier in raid, and an aura buff to one that’s underperforming could make it totally OP in raid.
Tuning single abilities is intended to avoid that and is completely the opposite of ‘aimless’.
Except it’s shown to not work at all. And they’ve nerfed ST abilities in the past in order to nerf AOE and completely missed the AOE tuning.
hunters been bottom for dps for so long 2 expansions it about time there in top 10
Meanwhile, us destro users suffering.
Honestly I am getting bored of these nerf demands, BM hunter has put up with being at the bottom, and never being picked in M+ for almost 4 years at this point, for once, we’d like to be able to play the game too.
Despite this, we’ve already had a 30% nerf, following a 50% nerf to the 4set, and I’m sure that there will be more nerfs, because threads like this basically mean that hunters aren’t allowed to have fun, because we might do almost as much damage as a rogue, shock horror.
They’re already balancing only for M+, dude. At the cost of everything else in the game.
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