Honestly moreso it’s about how bad some specs are allowed to be at certain things without sufficient strengths to counteract that, or they’re just poorly designed to function in that content almost regardless of tuning. Destro, Shadow, WW, Aff, Even ret when you look at how much their single target plummets once they try to run m+ talents. The difference between the highs and lows right now isn’t even just the damage, it genuinely feels like specs are playing different games.
One point… your linked logs are utterly useless… the higher the key, the higher the dmg done on account of things having more HP… you are comparing 21/22 keys with 24+ keys
If you want to make a point, use the same gear level and key level, and it might be slightly useful
Did you consider for a second… that the good players chose the better spec… demo, therby making the less good specs look worse than they are? Did this is any way occur to you?
What are you talking about?
To begin with I have WW that forms part of my premade. Almost timed Rise 24 yesterday by 2 secs.
And believe me that it was NOT because WW is somehow bad. It was because we did not play it right as a team. And that individual is more than capable of delivering the required dps to do 26s.
But to be honest, as a team, are we ready to do a flawless 26 run which is the requirement for that level? Well no to be honest.
And beyond that were just not good enough players in general. I insist, nothing to do with spec. FAR from 10.1.7.
So I want to insist. If YOU cant progress with Aff, Shadow, WW, or Ret ?? REALLY Ret ?? Its a L2P issue right there.
And if your complaint is that you will never reach top 0.1% with an Affli… well sad… but at those levels rerolls to specs that better fit the comp is a norm and honestly, who cares about the 0.1% anywais. So I still don’t see the drama.
The drama is that the tradition is. If something is so overtuned like it does 20% more damage then any other specialization (bm hunter / DH). Then only those specializations will be taken. I understand there will always be a meta but the difference between meta and non meta is too large of a gap. There’s a 20% dps gap.
Now you might say. People need to play better, but that’s just being ignorant and not seeing the full picture here.
This applies to both low and high level keys and it’s a major and returning problem.
I repeat. Where were you in 10.1.7? Nobody complaining there right? Cause if you rerolled FOTM all of a sudden everyone is 2 chesting a +26…
Do you really want me to show you pictures of Raider IO comparing S2 with S3 ?
I never, EVER denied imbalances. But let me tell you the reality: 1 class that does 20% more damage than everyone else… that will NOT 2 chest you a +26 beleive me.
If they do another balance tuning of DH like they did this week, where its like ~5-10% less AoE damage. Anyone who complains I will call out “Meta Slave”. Cause 1 class doing +10% extra damage than everyone else is NOTHING. L2P makes more dps than that, and definitely nowhere near Exodia Comp levels.
And FYI: I was the first to jump into the complain wagon with 10.1.7 and kept complaining until practically 10.2.
1 spec that does 20% extra damage… its not a big surprise really.
Meanwhile all you simps are there focusing on DH while Aug is STILL getting away with being OP. Where are the posts about that? Anyone here complaining?
Therefore: Dont complain as if its the end of the world cause its not. L2P with any class will do more than 20% damage. And ive seen my fair share of DHs doing ridiculously low damage. More than ive seen OP DHs doing obsene damage.
But IF you are going to complain, complain about the correct thing: Aug and the aberration it is. Its just that it does not show in the DPS meters so much… and because people only focus on the ZugZug they complain about the wrong thing.
If you aren’t willing to call windwalker bad you’re delusional.
It has great burst AoE but it sacrifices so much single target DPS it’s nearly at tank level because of how binary it’s talent choices are. The spec’s rework plays nicely but the build philosophy is 10 years out of date.
Quote me where I said WW is good. Go…
What I did say is that overall, ANY spec is good ENOUGH do any content outside the pro-scene. And my WW buddy proves it. Which is WAY… I repeat… WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY better than 10.1.7.
So complain accordingly.
SO? At low levels nobody cares about this. At higher keys what counts is composition of your team and other things. And ive seen rets do bonkers ammount of dammage.
MORE than DH to be honest. Because FOTM simps reroll DH. They think that by rerolling all of a sudden they will 2 chest 26s and it WONT HAPPEN (Unlike 10.1.7). They just just dash all over the place and get killed by every frontal in the game.
Meanwhile, Ret players are loyal to their class with is not FOTM. And they know their class. They drop freedom when required, bop people in dangerous situations, offheal when required… a well played ret is BONKERS good.
Honestly I want S1 back.
I’ve never had so much fun playing with so many classes at way above the top 0.1% as I had that season. It’d also be great if the few specs missing it had AoE gameplay that felt like it belonged in the current game.
You do realize that if they delete Aug (like they should have done) and nerf DH by ~10% (which they will) we got S1 right?
And also, btw in S1 there was also a meta. And also people complaining about it… Ret rework ring a bell?
S1 SP, Boomie, Enh offhealing meta ring a bell somewhere? The 4 DD dungeons they were doing…
Ring a bell somewhere? How long did that take to get nerfed?
Also: Healers… yeah… I remember… 2 months of ONLY Pvoker and Rdruid being able to even pass the healer checks. Every other healer simply did not have the HPS to even do 20s. Yeah… THAT… Also fixed.
So… Blizzards track record in DF is fine. Dont exagerate.
And I insist: Meanwhile Aug is STILL HERE… complain about it please so it gets deleted…
This is where they are now according to you. And it took them 2 weeks to fix it from OP to whatever you say a ret is today.
So there. Do you really think DH will be treated differently? There. Season fixed. But to be honest, even HALF of S1 balance is already a billion times better than the clownfest of 10.1.7.
Lets not forget the BM hate despite there not being a hunter in the top 50 on rio.
These “nerf xyz class” is not based on anything substantial lets be honest… its just some angry dudes or dudettes that are angry that they got beat on details.
Honestly no. It was playable in maybe 2 keys seriously, never pushed a single extra key level, and was nerfed more for being something blizzard didn’t want to see than actually being meta or OP. It also cost the prot paladin about 2/3 of his damage output.
“Meta” if you can call it that was Boomie Enh Rogue or SP Mage DH, both comps played very differently, had different strengths and weaknesses and yet were very competitive against eachother. Doing top top keys we also had locks and monks. Past that we had the highest spec diversity even above 0.1% we have ever seen, some of the highest runs in the world for given dungeons being done by stuff like feral arms warrior.
Yet by 10.0.5 we had pres, rdruid, Rshamsn, disc all seeing representation in the highest keys in the world. The only healing class that was actively bad in S1 at that point was monk.
My complaints about the design of aug haven’t stopped. Its damage though is fine.
I honestly don’t care if it’s better than 10.1.5-7, that was the least diverse meta we’ve ever seen. Blizzard can and has done so much better than this, even recently, abd frankly I’m just disappointed. DH was good in S1 as well, in one of the arguably best setups you could run, but it had competition, as well as meaningful pros and cons.
Of course they had, as you posted about S1.
But comparing the END of S1, after 6 months of weekly balance tuning patches with the BEGINNING of S3 is wrong.
What I care about is that there is no God Comp. Because, if there is no God Comp, then to balance out classes all you need to do is tweek the numbers which is something Blizz is more than capable of doiing.
As a reminder: God comp was so good not just because of numbers, but because of the utility combo it provided. And that is why it took so long to nerf.
What this means is that as long as Blizz does weekly balance patches, which apparently they have proven to do, that we end S3 as balanced as the end of S1.
And frankly, were in the right direction. Or you will deny that too?
So specs which shine only on super huge trash pulls are ahead of others on super big trash pulls. .
More news at 11.
Meanwhile i have seen both bm Hunters and havoc mostly perform like absolute trash in 16-17 keys with very few exeptions because in most cases its learn to Play your Class issues.
If i see someone doing like 70-80 k st and max 200k aoe its not because they are playing X Class / spec only because they Play like compelte muppets
Thats it…
I have seen: Ret Palas 200k ST 800K MT. Enh and warriors doing similar numbers. WW monks too.
Meanwhile… DHs… im really, really dissapointed in them. Too many simps playing them that they ruin my keys to be honest.
IF I invite a DH to my group, he has a bigger bar to fill (Rio and ilvl wise) than a ret would need. Seriously.
Because a spec that ONLY does dps is worthless in a dungeon. I need it to interrupt, to CC, to put darkness when needed, use deff CDs… all those nice things. Just zugzug does not cut it. Also, dashing and dying. Dead = 0 DPS. And that apparently the simps dont get it either.
Also, DHs apparently dont like to enchant their gear, or take a flask before dungeons… and that is an aberration. If they show up to a 24 with half their gear enchanted, its not serious. Really…
We’re moving in the right direction but it’s not like we got there the first time by being silent and resting on our meager laurels. Spec design issues are still somewhat rife as well with how much ST some lose to take their AoE talents, as well as specs who’s AoE struggles to function at all tuning be damned.
Also what is forgotten with all these comparisons of logs… and this might be anecdotal… when i played WW in S1 of BFA where they weren’t meta, i got 99 and 100 logs with my eyes closed basically… not so much in season 2 where they were meta…
You cannot just compare X meta class with Y bottom class and say oh, both is 100 logs… so it is a perfectly reasonable comparison.
I play 2 classes: RShaman and Awarrior. Get in the bandwagon of crappy Talents…
And I can do M+ just fine. With both. So…
Sure. Complain. But proportionally and constructively. There are moments where “WTF BLIZZ” is warranted (10.1.7) and moments where it isent and a “Please buff me” is enough.
Also: COMPLAIN ABOUT AUG… GO! All of you. Prove to me your statement with actions. Make a new post complaining about Aug meta. Il wait.
Im not seeing changes with Aug yet, so get to work complaining…
A large portion of WWs AoE damage is touch of death, which comes very late in a pull when most things are dead or near dying and deals a significant portion of overkill making what they can pull off feel somewhat meaningless. Its things like this, moreso than specific tuning, that are the harder problem to solve.
OK… so what? We would have timed a RISE 24 if it wasent for 1 wipe in 1st pull because we were idiots… And the best in the world has managed to do 1 27. Rest in 26. So were 2 key levels behind the best of the best top 0.1% of the planet. With their OP comps of Aug + DH.
Sure. WW could use some love. But this is not a post about: Lets rework WW to make it fun to play. Its a post claiming that a WW monk cant do a 24. Sorry.
Also, im a RShaman. FAR from meta as well. So…
Your point being?