Start banning premades already?

100% its a blizz issue… at the end of the day the information they spread doesnt change anything in game so let em cry is my method

That you could always get away with it doesn’t make it normal.
It has always been a very clear case of bending the rules to get an unfair advantage, blizz just doesn’t care enough about this mode to fix it.
It has always annoyed the hell out of everyone who had to sit through this and ended up being GY farmed by a premade raid.

Why do we have a new thread about the same issue month for month, why does the OP have 25 likes already?
People are fed up, man. That’s why.

The best thing anyone can do is not to be part of the problem and abstain from participating in sync premades.

Alliance races have powerful abilities atm and are popular among competitive PvP players, so that has shifted quite a bit.
Overall I would say the average team fight performance of alliance and horde teams is roughly equal in epic bgs.
The Horde definitely doesn’t win every round just on higher dps / hps alone anymore.

70% of being a good bg player is just being at the right place at the right time and prioritizing the right objectives. A well-played prot pala can have an impact.

By the way, nobody asks you to play alone, and syncing is also not necessary because the Horde isn’t as dominant as it used to be back in the day when you started playing in large premades.
You can bring up to 4 friends without bending the rules. More than enough to carry every round yet small enough that rounds don’t become grotesquely lopsided.

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