Start banning premades already?

Maybe blizz should also write an statement/post regarding this matter to further clarify in case people are still in doubt.

I think it is a political decision that they don’t do that :sweat_smile:
They leave it as it is (group syncing is no reason for ban) but don’t want to make to say that so directly, to not p1ss the people off, who wan’t to see this banned.


The statement itself is true. Group-syncing has been popular since the beginning of epic battlegrounds and nobody has been banned because of it.

Therefore, you can not say that it is untruthful. You can be p1ssed and suggest changes, of course.

(Disclaimer: I am not saying Group-syncing is a good practice, or fair, or good for the PvP community, or anything. But stop lying by STATING it would be against ToS and a reason for bans, calling out leaders to harass, mass-reports, yadda yadda)


Anyway, the latest “official” answer we could get to this question is here:


I don’t like playing against a full premade either, but seriously what do you people expect Blizzard to do here? Ban people for saying “3… 2… 1…”? They’re not using any actual cheat, they’re just queueing several 5 player groups at the same time and hoping they end up in the same bg. That’s it. Now, 5 player groups are allowed as you can queue from the interface as such. In a 40 vs 40 bg, they have far better odds to actually end up in the same bg, first because already they are faction separated (which makes it so they can’t end up against eachothers), and second because of the large number of required players. Even if one of the 5 player groups doesn’t end up in the same bg, they can simply wait for the rest to play their game outside.

Also the take that these players would be cheating a bit off too… they can’t bring more than 1 character per person either. They have an equal amount of players playing, they just tend to have a bit better selection about gear and trust, that’s all. It’s not like these groups are full of rank 1s, they’re still average players. Same two hands, two eyes, 1 keyboard, 1 mouse, and so on…

People are bringing up Blitz, but how do you ensure in Blitz that your players end up in the same team and not on opposing sides? Also, healers have vastly different queues than DPS there too - how do you ensure syncing? Nah, this sounds more like a cope, or perhaps they do that at late night or something, but there if one team has players throwing on purpose, that’s actual grounds for ban for wintrading.


My group is :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But you are right, we are more of an exception to the rule. In most communities there are a lot of leechers and average players. There are only a handful of top people carrying the rest, and a leader coordinating (if even) with raid warnings.


They could easily fix this problem by adding a deserter buff, if you decline more than 1 or 2 times for blitz, just add a 5 min stacking debuff and make it so you are only allowed to decline the que once pr hour
Nothing more annoying than seeing people decline 3 or more times, could be people not paying attention to the que but could also be something more sinister


“There’s a lot of people who share your opinion, you’ll have to take a number.”

Ah, yes, the “whatever-thats-supposed-to-mean” argument.


My Bulgarian brother in Christ. Thats NOT how que syncing works and thats not what que syncing is.

Ok lets reverse this because rules should work both ways:
If theres a rule- there shouldnt be a way to bypass it otherwise the rule serves no purpose. Right? right!
Good so
If theres a rule to limit premades to 5 people, then there shouldnt be a way to bypass this via Que Syncing.

I am not against 5 people quing. Thats within the system limit. The reason why the rule exists and it follow its general principle theres no cognitive dissonance there.

You dont have to ensure you’re on the same team.
Prooving griefing is difficult especially in BG blitz.
And people simply grief for their friends if they end up in the oposite team.
I literally just had it happen.

Oh, so you are clueless how syncying works ,yet you inserted yourself in a topic you’re not knowledgable about ?
Ok, lets explain my fello bulgarian guy how syncing works:
-2 -4 people lead groups of 5
-each leader ques at roughly the same time (this is not the syncing part)
-when people get a que they signal each other at what minute + seconds they got the que in (this is the actual syncying part of it)
-if timestamps match- then its the same battleground 90% of the time.

You wouldnt need to sync and do this if the rule didnt limit you to 5 people and the rule wouldnt exist if there was no purpose for it to serve.
You’re literally avoiding a system limitation which is considered exploit.
And you’re literally in unfair advantage (you got time to prepare, pick what comp you want to play, with who you want to play, have more time to discuss strategy, entitle leadership and so much more vs a bunch of random people who are gathered from a pool of random gear, specs, skill level with no leadership and 60 seconds to prepare and discuss what they wonna do).

And last but not least: You clearly, very clearly and effectively bully, disturb and disrupt a whole bracket of new commers, unskilled, casual players and take away the only “safe” space they have to practice where they can be unjudged and not discriminated for their low XP.
The effect of this is clear: People quit or go PvE, with veterans backing down for various reasons (family, kids, careers or simply bored of playing the same game for years) theres no fresh blood to come in PvP since you guys are chocking it blue.

Oh and I almost forgot to adress the

The only copium here is you guys- you’re being delussional.
Some of you are even biased since you que sync and not only you’re telling on yourselves but I actually know you since I spam bgs a lot.

Shame is a normal human emotion to diviation of what is acceptable both socially and structurally.
If you’re not able to experience it, maybe adress your trauma and get help.
You’re all supposed to feel shame for praying on the weak and for your practices being destructive.


This is exactly how syncing work.

The rule prevents you from queuing in a group of more than 5, but it doesn’t say anything about multiple groups of 5 queuing at the same time.

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The rule exists as a principle. And a principle exists because it follows a certain logic. Following a certain logic it is to execute something called a “purpose”
Or in short theres no reason for this rule to exist if not to STRONGFLY IMPLY that what you’re doing is not intended.
If there was no problem with premading battlegrounds there wouldnt be a limit.


It’s useless to argue with you. Think what you want, you’ll be complaining for the rest of your life. I’m not going to waste any more time with you.

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What pisses you off ? Logic ?


your lack of it.

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I cant help but laugh at you fighting literal logical formulas instead of admitting you’re wrong.
Try to defy gravity too.

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I’m the wrong but no one has been banned for sync premades. How curious that the facts prove me right.

But Blizzard doesn’t care about anything.

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Do it yourself. :upside_down_face:

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Exactly why im making this post.
Blizzard needs to adress this and either remove the 5 man limit entirely and say that its okay to premade or adress the elephant in the room that this limit was set for a reason and just because people find an easy way around it isnt an excuse to abuse the system.
Another thing is theres multiple threads about this in the EU and US forums along with Reddit posts- people unquestionably find this game-breaking.

Even if we put this in perspective:

Nobody will unsub if they limit premades to 5 man (as the limit already implies)
A lot of people already quit / will guit or go PvE because of the infestation of premades.

Is your soul so little that you are always trying so hard to support this toxic practice for years now ?
Like it will break the game for you if u cannot que as a whole raid into some random newbs ?
Geniune question btw.


Double premade? Cheaters!


I don’t believe in the existence of the soul, sry. If it turns out that it exists, I will dedicate myself to haunting houses :ghost:

I haven’t played sync BG for 2 years. Don’t worry about me.

And anything that goes against people like you, really.

Don’t let them know that we coincided two premades in the same BG by chance of fate… They will ask for our ban, even if it was an accidental coincidence! :dracthyr_sweat:


You try to be quite philosophical without reading a single philosophical book in your life.
Try not sounding idiotic when you try to sound smart next time.

You clearly are not very bright as you just admit that you just troll threads.
Also, people like me? I didnt even do anything to you, you poo petty 8 legged creature.
Another thing i’d like to say is i am a rogue/feral main, i get my way around, i find pleasure in side stuff E A S I L Y , the last person removal of premades who is gonna benefit from aside of premades themselves is me.
Im alright.
Thisa entire post is selfless.

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Just because I stopped playing synchronized epic Bgs on my own initiative doesn’t mean I don’t think that those of you who have been attacking us on the forum all these years are nothing more than a bunch of harassers who use the excuse “They cheat” to justify your toxicity.

As I said above: you are the kind of :poop: I hate.

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